Chapter 2: Magnificent Beauty

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His thoughts shifted to curiosity as he spotted the multiple bouquets of red and pink roses and lilies, artfully arranged inside pristine white vases in a neat row. Miriam stood behind the front counter, her warm and welcoming demeanor matched by her floral apron. Her own smile widened in response to his unspoken question, recognizing the admiration in his expression.

Miriam: Gazing at those marvelous bouquets of roses and lilies are you?

Tobias: You know what I'm wondering...Who are they for?

Miriam: A wedding event is taking place this afternoon...

Miriam: Someone called this shop hours ago and it took me hours to water the flowers and arrange them neatly in plastic.

As Miriam began to describe the significance of each bouquet, her words flowed like a gentle stream of fragrant petals, and Tobias listened with rapt attention. His inquiring expression reflected not just curiosity but also a deep appreciation for the beauty and meaning behind the arrangements, and it was clear that he had a genuine love for the art of flowers.

Tobias: He thought out loud. Never knew flowers could have a significant impact on my eyes and soul.

Tobias: On the inside. We humans are just like flowers. Bloom when we feel elated, but wither when we feel sad and bitter.

Tobias: I assume it must have taken hours of work and effort to do...And who may that person be?

Miriam: The girl is a refined and graceful maiden. She's sort of known for her artistic talents.

Tobias continued to engage in the conversation with the kind shop owner. His initial curiosity about the unique bouquets of flowers momentarily gave way to a deeper, introspective train of thought. His gaze drifted from the bouquets to Miriam's appearance, and it was then that he noticed something peculiar yet strangely familiar about her eyes. Her eyes, the same color as his own, shimmered with the same golden-brown hue that had always held a special place in his heart. A rush of emotions washed over him, tugging at the fringes of his consciousness. It was as if he had stumbled upon a long-lost piece of a puzzle he didn't even know was missing. In those eyes, so similar to his own, Tobias saw a glimpse of someone he had once loved and held dear, a figure from his past that had been shrouded in the enigma of forgotten memories. A faint echo of warmth and affection, like the embrace of a mother's love, stirred within him. Miriam stared back in his inquiring expression and felt the same.

Miriam: On the inside. This handsome and kind face...Why does it look familiar to me?

Tobias: On the inside. The shop owner is not only friendly, but she looks like someone who had been a protector of me long ago...

As the door to the flower shop swung open, a gust of cool air flowed in, accompanied by the soft jingling of the entrance bell. All conversation between Tobias and Miriam momentarily ceased as their attention shifted toward the girl. Stepping into the shop was a vision of beauty, a girl with wavy shoulder-length light blonde hair that seemed to capture the sunlight's warmth, casting a golden halo around her. Her cognac brown eyes held an air of gentle curiosity as they scanned the shop's interior, looking for the bouquet of flowers she ordered earlier. She was dressed in a charming cottage core-style dress, its soft, earthy colors and flowing fabric perfectly in harmony with the rustic charm of the flower shop. The dress was adorned with delicate floral patterns, as if nature itself had woven its essence into her attire.

Miriam: You are Evita Grace are you? Here are the bouquets you ordered.

Evita: Yes, ma'am...That's me. Thank you so much...You sell the best flowers in town.

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