Chapter 3: Sister's Wedding

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Evita and her parents embarked on a special journey to help prepare for her older sister Katrina's long-awaited wedding. Their car was loaded with pots of the most beautiful flowers they had bought from the Enchanted Florist, each pot carefully cradled in their laps to prevent any damage to the delicate blooms. The vibrant colors and fragrant scents of the flowers filled the car, creating an air of anticipation and excitement. It was a picturesque drive through rolling hills and lush green countryside, taking them about 30 minutes to reach the outdoor wedding pavilion. They could see the male attendants diligently arranging rows of white chairs, ensuring everything was in perfect order for the upcoming ceremony. The bridesmaids, dressed in their matching gowns, were busy bustling around under the pavilion, assisting Katrina in getting ready for her big day. Evita and her family admired the elegant and romantic setup, from the delicate table centerpieces to the enchanting fairy lights that adorned the pavilion. It was clear that every element had been thoughtfully chosen to make this day unforgettable. After greeting some of the other guests and catching up with relatives, it was time for Evita to change into her bridesmaid dress. She made her way to the women's fitting room, where she had a quiet moment to reflect on how much her life had changed over the past few months. Working two jobs as a freelance artist and a primary school teacher kept her incredibly busy, leaving little time for family gatherings. After changing into her bridesmaid dress, she sat down in the white seats and waited patiently with the others for the wedding ceremony to begin.

Evita: She thought to herself. What a beautiful and blissful day for my sister...She must be waiting for this moment to come.

Evita: On the inside. She's found love and she's ready to assert in the celebration of a wedding...I feel happy for her.

Evita: On the inside. However, I'm still waiting for my white wedding to come. The day I rejoice about the feeling of love and the day I hold my hands forever with the one.

As she sat patiently with her parents and the other wedding guests, her mind drifted to an unexpected memory. It was a flashback to her encounter with Tobias Mercer. The memory of his presence and the powerful psychic effect he had on her when their eyes met rushed back to the forefront of her thoughts. The connection between them had been intense, almost electric. Evita couldn't forget the way his eyes had seemed to pierce through her, as if they held a secret that she wasn't able to comprehend.

Evita: She thought to herself. Huh, what was that again? That handsome redhead stranger dressed in an exceptional vintage coat?

Evita: On the inside. How did he resurface back in my memories? There's no chance for us to meet again...

When the wedding ceremony began, the bridesmaids, including Evita herself, gracefully made their way up the aisle, each carrying a bouquet of lilies. The soft, melodious music provided the perfect backdrop for their procession. At long last, it was Katrina's turn. She emerged, stunning in her white wedding gown, and clucked her father's elbow. Waiting for her at the pavilion's stage was the love of her life, Edwin Cantrell. As Katrina reached him, he extended his hand, and with a loving smile, she took it, sealing their bond as they stood together under the gaze of their friends and family. The officiant, standing at the front of the pavilion, began to speak. His words were filled with warmth and wisdom as he announced the union of Katrina and Edwin.

Officiant: By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife.

Officiant: You may now seal your vows with a kiss.

After the officiant finished his sentences, Katrina and Edwin shared a long-lasting kiss that was filled with love and emotion. Thousands of eyes were filled with tears as they congratulated the newlyweds, including the sisters' parents. Evita clapped happily for her sister, celebrating this momentous occasion with all her heart. As the ceremony concluded and it was time for everyone to rise from their seats, Evita eagerly made her way over to greet her sister and her new husband. A wide smile adorned her face as she approached the happy couple. Katrina and Edwin, still wrapped in the afterglow of their wedding, welcomed Evita with open arms.

Evita: Congratulations, sis. I'm so delighted to see you marry.

Katrina: Thank you so much for coming, little sister. You can't imagine how happy I am to finally see you after all those busy months.

Evita: Me too. Dealing with two jobs ain't easy, but I enjoy it. I love painting illustrations from my head and teaching little kids.

Evita: Art has always been my passion and I remind my little students everyday to always use their imagination.

Katrina: Well, I always knew my sister would do nothing but follow her dreams.

Edwin: We're siblings-in-laws starting a few hours ago. I hope you are happy for me as your parents are, Evita.

Evita: Of course, Edwin. I'm very happy to be sharing this new sibling bond with you.

While she was having a heartfelt conversation with her sister and brother-in-law, Evita was interrupted as their parents approached, wearing expressions of excitement. They had something important to share with her.

Evita's mom: Evita, come here now, my child. There's someone me and your dad like you to meet.

She was introduced to a tall and formal-looking man named Silas Beckford. 26-year old Silas had an air of sophistication about him, with neat cropped mousse brown hair and determined olive brown eyes that seemed to reveal his focus and determination. He was dressed in a sharp beige tuxedo, which only added to his aura of professionalism and refinement.

Evita's dad: Evita, this is Silas Beckford. He is the son of our dear friend Angus who died of pneumonia last spring.

Evita's mom: Angus had been an influential figure in the business world, owning a company called Aurora Ed.

Evita's mom: Now Silas is in charge of it. 

Evita's mom: Towards Silas. Meet our youngest daughter, Evita. I hope you two will become close like Katrina and Edwin.

Silas: Pleasure to meet you, Miss Evita. Looking very fancy in that bridesmaid dress.

Silas: A pure beauty with innocent, humble looks.

Evita: Oh, thank you, Silas. Although, I was barely prepared for the wedding. 

Silas couldn't help but be captivated by her beauty and politeness. Her grace and charm left a strong impression on him. The desire to get to know her better was already growing in his heart.

Silas: He thought to himself. Father always told me how respectful and hardworking the Graces are, but never did he mention how angelic their youngest daughter looks.

Silas: On the inside. Evita Grace...I've got my eyes on you. I must make every attempt to get you drawn to me.

Evita returned to her apartment after the exhausting but joyful wedding celebration, the weariness of the day weighed heavily on her. She decided to take a long nap without even changing out of her bridesmaid dress, as her tiredness overcame her. However, when she drifted to sleep, she started dreaming. She found herself opening her eyes to a new reality, dressed in white lingerie instead of her bridesmaid dress. Confusion swept over her as she tried to make sense of this sudden change. To her surprise, someone behind her gently touched her with the tip of a finger, and she turned to see who it was. Her heart skipped a beat when she realized that the charming stranger from the flower shop, Tobias, was lying beside her.

Tobias: Finally you woke up...Missed our last encounter, my dear.

Evita: She turned towards him. I'm confused...When and how did you get here? 

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