Chapter 7: Searching For Her

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As the dream progressed, a shadow fell over their idyllic romance when Paulina's father announced their family's decision to move away to a new, vaster town. The news was sudden, and this devastated her greatly. Despite her deep attachment to Tobias, Paulina knew that mentioning him to her father would only complicate matters further. She tried to argue against the move, pleading with her father to reconsider, but she refrained from mentioning Tobias, knowing that her father's expectations for her future were different from her own desires.

Paulina: Do we really have to move away, father? I'm not ready for this...

Paulina's dad: Nonsense...You should be happy as I saved up for months and bought the new estate, which is going to be our new home.

Paulina's dad: One that is much pricier and fancier than this old dump we live in.

Paulina: It's not fair. I'm going to miss my friends and this place will always feel like home to me.

Paulina: Please think again, father.

Paulina's dad: My decision is already made, Paulina. So don't be ungrateful.

Paulina's dad: I'll guarantee you'll live a much easier lifestyle with a better education and all the finer things in life.

Driven by the desire for social advancement and the pursuit of a higher status for his family, her greedy and avarice father remained steadfast in his decision. In his eyes, marrying a man like Tobias, who did not belong to their social circle, would never be acceptable for his daughter. Tobias learned about the news soon after and he was just as devastated as she was since he never got the chance to say goodbye. He tried to explain to his foster parents about it, but they scoffed at his unhappiness over her leaving. Their callous reaction only served to deepen Tobias's sense of despair and loneliness. Throughout the years with his foster parents, Tobias had never experienced love or affection from them. Their treatment of him had always been cold and utilitarian, viewing him merely as a means to fulfill their household chores.

Foster dad: So what if she moved away? Nothing you can do about it, boy.

Foster mom: Her father would instantly reject you if he ever found out about you being with her.

Foster mom: Them moving away is for the best. You have nothing to offer for her, Tobias.

Tobias: No, you're wrong! She's my soulmate and I love her.

Tobias: I'll never let anyone break our love apart. I'll do anything to convince her father otherwise.

Foster dad: He scoffed and said. And how do you plan to do that? There's no way the venerable farmer's perfect daughter is in love with you.

Foster dad: She's way out of your league. No one would ever approve of you two together.

Foster mom: She laughed out loud and said. Right! You're just a wretched, filthy orphan boy with no family nor status.

Foster mom: Now don't think about her and get them counters scrubbed!

Tobias: He got angry and said. Then let me say this. I've had enough of you both.

Tobias: You never cared about my wishes and you do nothing but order me around like a slave!

Foster dad: He slapped him on the cheek. How dare you speak to your mother and father with so much ego?!

Tobias: You're not my parents nor act like one!

Tobias: I'm moving out too! I don't wanna be your slave anymore.

Fueled by a deep sense of despair and resentment towards his foster parents' neglect and cruelty for several years, Tobias made a decisive choice to leave their home behind. Determined to escape the oppressive environment, he headed towards the door, his mind set on running away from the toxic situation. However, as Tobias reached for the door, his foster parents, realizing his intentions, attempted to stop him. They resorted to threats in a desperate attempt to maintain control over him, unwilling to let him walk away from the life they had imposed upon him.

Foster dad: No one will accept you like we did!

Foster mom: You have nowhere to go! There would be no one who will be willing to feed and give you a roof over your head like us.

Foster mom: Better think twice, Tobias!

Despite their attempts to manipulate and coerce him into staying, Tobias remained resolute in his choice.

Tobias: No, I'm not backing down from my decision!

Tobias: Anywhere is better than here.

Foster dad: Go on then, boy! But we won't take you back if you return begging on our doorsteps.

Tobias: He said sternly. Perfectly fine with me. I won't be.

He indeed ran away from his vile foster parents and never looked back.

Many nights passed where he had lived homeless on the streets without a blanket or bed to sleep on.

It felt as if he almost regretted his choice of leaving.

But he still remained strong and in hopes of seeing Paulina again someday.

However, life on the streets was not any easier than living at home with his foster parents.

Other boys would mock him and some thieves would beat him up if he dared to stand in their way.

Somedays would pass with him having nothing to eat or drink. Until he met that boy...

One day in the morning, Tobias could barely get up and move from where he slept in the alley due to being severely malnourished for days. His strength was greatly weakened and he could barely keep his eyes open. Then someone appeared. It was a boy who seemed older than Tobias, with a solemn expression and neat vintage clothing that belied his youthful appearance. His brown hair framed his face, and a frilled red necktie peeked out from beneath his brown coat. His name was Archie Clark. He then approached Tobias, his footsteps echoing softly against the pavement. He knelt down beside Tobias, his gaze gentle yet inscrutable. Despite his vacant expression, there was an air of compassion about him as he observed Tobias's weakened state.

Archie: Hello there, lad. How come you're sleeping here?

Tobias: He barely spoke in a frightened tone and said. W-What do you want? A-A-Are you gonna h-hit me?

Archie: Hit you? Why on bloody earth would I do that?

Archie: Do I look like a thug to you?

Tobias: He shook his head and said. N-N-No, you don't. I-I-I j-j-ust don't want people to h-h-hurt me.

Archie: No need to be scared of me. I'm not here to bite.

Archie: But you're not from here, are you?

Tobias: N-N-No, I'm not...I-I came from...

Archie: He interrupted him and said. Leave your story for later. I got something to grab...

Soon after, Archie went to the nearby market to steal some food. With practiced ease, Archie explored through the bustling market and skillfully pilfered food for Tobias. His years of experience as a pickpocketed thief served him well, allowing him to move unnoticed among the crowd. Despite the risk, Archie remained undetected, slipping in and out of the market with the stolen goods in hand. He got out slowly without being seen or paying for anything and went back to where Tobias was. He threw the loaf of bread and bag of cheese and ham to Tobias's lap.

Archie: Here...Proof I don't have any intentions to hurt you.

Tobias: He looked up in disbelief and said. T-T-This food is for me?

Archie: It's all yours, my lad. Now eat up since you looked starved to death.

As Tobias hastily consumed the food, his hunger momentarily sated, he began to open up to Archie, sharing the harrowing tale of his past and the circumstances that led him to the streets. Archie was sympathetic and attentive, unlike the cold indifference Tobias had experienced from others.

Archie: No reason why you have to endure this alone...

Archie: Rude of me to not introduce myself, but I'm Archie. What's your name? 

Tobias: I'm Tobias. 

Archie: He extended his hand and said. You can come with me, Tobias...I know a place where you can stay. My master would gladly accept you. 

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⏰ Última actualización: May 12 ⏰

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