Chapter 6: Before Our End

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As Tobias continued to caress her hair strands with a tenderness that felt almost affectionate, he skillfully knotted the beautiful red chrysanthemum a bit tighter in her hair. The vibrant bloom now nestled securely, enhancing the golden waves around it. His fingers moved with a gentle precision, ensuring that the flower would stay in place and not fall off.

Tobias: There, now...It's better. So it won't fall off.

Tobias: He stroked her hair again. Such soft, beautiful hair you have and don't ever stop wearing that smile on your face.

Evita couldn't help but blush even more as his fingers traced through her hair, the sensation both intimate and delicate.

Evita: She thought to herself. He says the sweetest words...

Evita: On the inside. He's a man who looks like he's out of this world...He makes me feel out of this world too.

Tobias: Darling, I hope you won't mind me asking, but are you going somewhere after this?

Evita: Oh, I'm planning to go home.

Tobias: Want me to take you back? It's going to rain soon...

Tobias: The sky is turning gray...

As Tobias and Evita walked together, his left arm wrapped around her shoulder in a gesture of warmth and companionship, Evita couldn't shake the flustered feeling that tinged her cheeks. She had rarely experienced such close interaction with a man, especially someone who seemed to carry a connection from both reality and dreams. Wanting to break the comfortable silence between them, Evita made an effort to stir up a brief conversation.

Evita: Umm...Tobias? Is it okay if I ask you something too?

Tobias: Ask away, my dear.

Evita: I want to know what you do for work and how old are you?

Tobias: I am a self-employed journalist and I'm not sure how old I am...Maybe 25. More or less.

Evita: She thought to herself. How does he not know how old he is? Does he not remember his birthday?

Evita: She tried to act normal and said. That's really nice. You like to write while I like to draw.

Evita: I think you're around my age if I'm being honest.

Tobias: You think so, darling? It's marvelous to hear that I don't age so fast.

Tobias: As for you, I think you look younger than your age. Let me take a wild guess. You're 24 and work two jobs...

Tobias: One as a freelance artist and the other as a teacher in primary school.

Evita was shocked as this is exactly what she told him once in her sex dream about him. She couldn't believe her dreams became a reality.

Evita: She said to herself. He really knows me! There's no way he could know this without me mentioning this to him first in the real world.

Tobias: What is it? Did I guess correctly?

Tobias: You look utterly dumbfounded by my answer...

Evita: Y-You're totally right about everything you said.

Evita: It's just that no one can "guess" about my personal life on the spot. I wonder how you can.

Tobias: Darling, I'm an expert at studying people. I can know about their life and secrets in one second.

Evita: Oh, so you're psychic?

Tobias: More like a mystic. I would say you're more of a psychic instead.

The casual conversation between Tobias and Evita flowed easily as they walked to her apartment, delving into more personal topics that gradually eased the initial nervousness. As they reached her apartment, Tobias's prediction about the rain came true. The droplets started to fall from the sky, creating a soft patter on the pavement. Standing outside her front door, they found themselves caught in the gentle rain.

Tobias: Ahh, it's raining...Just as I predicted.

Tobias: He gently rubbed her head. You should head inside before you catch yourself a dreadful cold, darling.

Evita: Thank you very much for taking me home.

Evita: You take care of yourself too, Tobias.

As Evita bid Tobias farewell, she quickly opened the door with her apartment keys and stepped inside before the rain could drench her any further. The warmth of her home welcomed her, providing a sanctuary from the increasing downpour outside. Tobias lingered outside for a brief moment, contemplating the encounter and perhaps wishing for more time. The rain intensified, creating a curtain of water between them. He took a final look toward her door, a wistful expression crossing his face. With a lingering glance, Tobias finally turned away, disappearing into the streets.

Tobias: He thought to himself. I couldn't stop crossing paths with her. What does this mean?

Tobias: On the inside. I don't know, but something tells me she's worth watching over and fighting for.

Tobias: On the inside. She's more than a solo sunflower growing in the midst of a barren terrace.

Tobias: On the inside. But I should go back to my place too. I don't wanna get caught up in the rain either.

As Evita undressed and took a hot shower to wash away the remnants of the rain, she found solace in the warmth of her room. After drying herself and changing into her comfortable sleeping gown, fatigue washed over her, and she settled into her bed, pulling the blanket covers over her. As she drifted into sleep, another dream unfolded, different from the intimate encounter with Tobias but carrying a sense of familiarity. In this dream, she found herself in a different time and place. It was a bygone era, possibly a glimpse into a past life. The dream featured a forgotten, but tragic love story. This dream held something possibly missing. Something that could've stemmed from a past life. As she settled in, she found herself idling and reading a love story with a boy as teenagers. The boy was Tobias in a past life and Evita's name was Paulina. Paulina, the daughter of a wealthy farmer, and Tobias, living with careless foster parents, were neighbors next door. This was a period of time well before the events that led Tobias to become Lord Raiden, the vampire with a complex history. In the dream, the scene depicted a serene meadow with a sturdy tree near a pond. Paulina and Tobias sat close to each other as the air was filled with the sweet fragrance of blooming flowers, creating a perfect setting for a shared moment. They were reading Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen together while teasing each other lovingly.

Tobias: "In vain have I struggled. It will not do..."

Tobias: "My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently..."

Tobias: "I love and admire you."

Paulina: She teased. Ooooh, how romantic you are, Mr. Carrot Head. You sound like you were really into those lines.

Tobias: He teased her back. And you sound like you were really flattered by the elegance of my voice as I said it.

Paulina: Stop, Tobias! You're making me blush!

As they continued on with their love language, Tobias noticed some dirt on her bare left foot and picked it up to clean, stroke, and breathe into it as another way to tease her.

Tobias: Let those feet be charmed by Mr. Carrot Head too.

Paulina: She teased. Eww, that looks awful, Tobias!

Tobias: Let me be, Paulina.

He then did the same to her right foot too.

Tobias: It isn't everyday a carrothead such as myself, charms these pretty little feet.

Paulina: You're not charming me, you silly boy! It only tickles me, haha!

Tobias: Then allow me to charm those lips.

The air was charged with a sweet intensity as Tobias, overwhelmed by affection, kissed her on the lips and wrapped his hands around her torso.

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