Chapter 4: Souls Locked

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Evita sat up to glance around the room, her heart pounding in her chest, she confirmed that there was no one else present except for Tobias. The room was quiet, and a sense of intimacy surrounded them, making her acutely aware of the situation. Lying back down on the bed, she faced Tobias, who was now beside her, naked. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment and a hint of desire as it was impossible to tear her gaze away from his deep brown eyes.

Evita: I could've sworn I locked the door...Must have forgotten.

Tobias: No need to feel aghast with me...I'm here because your subconscious asked for me.

Tobias: He said as he stroked her face and kissed her on the cheek. I wanna know all about you, my darling rose.

Evita: On the inside. Oh, god. It's hard to not get all red over this mysterious, handsome face.

Evita: On the inside. Should I tell him? Something tells me he's very understanding.

Evita: I don't know how I should talk about myself, but I guess I'll start with the simple facts.

Evita: You already know my name, but I'm a normal girl who dreams deeply about life and has a deep imagination.

Tobias: I can sense that about you. What do you normally dream of, my dear?

Evita: It's too complex for me to explain, but it's a scenario that shows signs of the past, present, and future.

Tobias: That's interesting, but your soul is far more interesting for me to read.

Evita: Now that I've divulged about myself to you, why don't you tell me who you are?

Tobias: It's a long story. One day I certainly will.

As Evita continued to gaze into Tobias's dreamy eyes, a sudden small shiver ran through her body. Tobias's perspective eyes noticed her reaction, and he couldn't help but be aware of the shift in the atmosphere. It was then that Evita realized she was wearing lingerie, which was not her usual attire she wore when sleeping. But this didn't stop Tobias from analyzing her with a hint of intrigue.

Tobias: You alright? I see you're getting a bit shaky. Are you cold?

Evita: Yeah, I guess. I just realized what I'm wearing now...Must be embarrassing for you to talk to me this way.

Tobias: He smirked a little. Absolutely not, my darling. But if you insist, I can warm you up if you don't mind.

Evita: She blushed even harder. I don't mind...

Tobias, sensing Evita's shiver and her sudden vulnerability, acted with gentle and caring instinct. He slowly and gracefully got up, the sheets pooling around his waist, and reached for the nearby blankets. With tenderness in his touch, he gently covered their torsos, cocooning them in a warm and intimate embrace. He then pulled Evita closer into his arms, cradling her delicate, small body with a protective hold from behind. His touch was warm and reassuring, and he began to caress her skin, tracing the contours of her body with affectionate strokes. His lips brushed softly against her shoulder, leaving a trail of sweet, lingering kisses. His hand moved up to her wavy blonde hair, where he tenderly stroked and caressed it, letting the strands slip through his fingers.

Tobias: There now, is that better? Hope you're not feeling cold anymore.

Evita: She was too shy to turn around now and said. No, I'm no longer cold. Umm thank you for considering what you did.

Tobias: Come turn around and look at me...I wouldn't mind if you're shy.

Tobias: Seeing your gentle and soft expression makes me melt, love. 

He encouraged her to turn around and meet his gaze again, she slowly shifted to face him, her eyes locking onto his with a mixture of desire and curiosity. Their bodies moved in a gentle rhythm, each touch and caress igniting the passion between them. They took turns exploring one another, their fingers tracing the contours of their bodies, their lips finding solace in tender kisses. The intimacy between them deepened with each passing moment, as they shared their most private emotions. Seconds later, Evita woke up from the sexual dream, a sense of bewilderment and perplexion washed over her. She looked around her bedroom and quickly realized that Tobias had disappeared, and her room was as it had been before, locked and nothing was out of place. The dream had been so lifelike, and now she was left with a multitude of questions. The significance of the dream weighed on her mind, and she couldn't help but wonder if it held any deeper meaning or if it was merely a creation of her subconscious.

Evita: She thought to herself. What was the meaning of that dream with him?

Evita: On the inside. It can't be a coincidence. I think the universe is sending me a sign about the unknown...

Evita: On the inside. Because why else would it be him? It's hard to not think about him when I'm alone in my thoughts.

On a Monday morning, after the exciting weekend of her sister's wedding and the intriguing dream about Tobias, Evita was back to her regular routine as a teacher. The day began with reviewing the content from Chapter 3 of the life science textbook, engaging the students in discussions and activities to reinforce their understanding between the living and nonliving things. Next, they worked on medium-level math questions to sharpen their mathematical skills and problem-solving abilities. In the afternoon, the focus shifted to language arts, where Evita guided her students in understanding how to use nouns and verbs properly in a sentence. She introduced various sentence structures and encouraged the children to practice creating sentences that effectively utilized these essential elements of language.

Evita: So, can anyone tell me whether I should use "lived" or "live" in this sentence?

She waited for anyone to give her a response until finally, one kid raised his hand. It was a boy with black hair and wearing a striped blue and green.

Evita: Yes, Connor...What's your answer?

Connor: The word "lived" should be used in the sentence...

Evita: And, that's correct!

Evita: She wrote on the board. The old man had lived long to see the enchanting sea beside the shore.

Evita: She turned to face the class. Which makes grammatical sense!

However, Connor became a bit puzzled by the word "enchanting" within the sentence.

Connor: Hey, Miss Grace...I hope you don't mind me asking. What does the word enchanting mean?

Recognizing the importance of fostering curiosity and ensuring that her students fully understood the material, Evita encouraged Connor's question.

Evita: I don't mind you asking at all. Enchanting means something that is attractive and nice for us to view.

As she explained, she got a little carried away.

Evita: It could be something positive and memorable or it can be something that traps us and binds us like chains...

Evita: But most importantly, when you find someone enchanting, you feel like there's nothing else you're paying attention to but them.

As Evita continued to explain the meaning of the word "enchanting" in her deep tone, the school bell rang, signaling the end of class. The sudden sound brought a collective chorus of excitement from her students, who were eager to begin their afternoon break. Evita smiled at her students, wishing them a fond farewell as they gathered their belongings and filed out of the classroom, each carrying their backpacks and the new knowledge they had acquired during the day.

Evita: I'll see you guys tomorrow. Don't forget to do your homework!

Evita: Bye and have a lovely afternoon! 

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