My name is.....

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My name is......

I am Regina Mills, a 39 years old woman that finished all her meds degrees and became a doctor at the age of 30. Its already 9 years i became the chief doctor in the little town in Canada Vancouver. A cold place but surely country warming. Throughout my ages i became a very lonely wolf and independent woman that works her ass day and night. I also own 5 banks in this town. I don't call myself a rich person but people does. My mom is half American and half canadian. My dad is half Perto Rican and half American. My parents have lived in Canada for ages that means i am born in America but grew up in Canada. I have 2 stepsisters, Zelena Mills and Marry margaret. We never get along, but when we do, we also have each others back. That's what sisters does.

From the age 5 till 17 i lived in New Jersey, with my parents. But i never had a nice childhood, i was always punished by my mother, because she always wanted her daughters to be the most beautiful and intelligent women on this earth. But failed to do that for her, so in that case she abused me for it. I suffered from parent abuse but never ever told my father about it. One day he found out what my mother did to me and brought me to the hospital. Found out that i was long time abused but always keep hiding it from him. So one day he told me, is best you take another turn and move from here and go study whatever you want. So my father did everything he could to save me and make me move from that evil mother of mine. He send me to his sister in New York. Julie Mills is his big sister and she guide me throughout my study career till i got all my degrees. My mother in some way never change, but i could be the one that stays mad at her. Her goal was to have children that can stand on their own feet and never have to ask a man for a penny. So i did forgave her, I understanded when i was 30 years old, when i became the doctor.
It was not easy but also not to difficult.
Still i have scarfs on my body what my mother did to me. Not so nice to see but it sure did leave me with some hateful feeling towards her.

My father was a man that you can look up to and never have a doubt that he would hurt your feelings because his parents were there for him and till the end they does. That's why he show his 3 beautiful daughter what life can be if you stay kind and educated. My mother is exactly not that evil or bad but i dont know what happened to her that she beats me almost to my death. She is also a very intelligent woman her self and is the CEO of my fathers companies. My mother is also a doctor from home and so his her parents. But she left her position as a doctor and became the female heir of my dads company. My father is also a man of her dreams, a soft kind and loving man and husband and dad. He is the owner of the 5 banks i have and also the top heir of all the companies he created. So he is a wealthy man but never showed people who he really is and have. My sister, Zelena is also a doctor at a children's hospital and is already married and have one kid that is now 6 months old. Marry Margaret is an adopted daughter of my parents. She became a high school teacher. Because her parents already died in an car accident, thats why my parents took her in, in our home. Zelena she is also a daughter of my mother's first marriage, but he divorced my mother because he cheated on her. Now she had my dad and they sure life very good.

Thats my family.....
but back to me, i became a doctor a the age of 30. I had a couple of boyfriends but never work out because all of them were very not my type, but i tried. So i made my mind up and went on a journey with myself and traveled and never cared for settling. Life is all about enjoying what you already have and not what you don't have. I always wanted to see the world , so i did.

So far this is my name .....
Regina Mills, Canada Vancouver 

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