The table has turned

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The table has turned.....

The party at the ball in UK was one of the big anniversary party, hosted by The Locksley family. It was a wonderful evening, but looks like the rain will come and it won't look that good. The family had a blast. Everyone was having a good time with each other and family gathering pretty good too. We haven't seen each other that much so the vibe was here.

What I didn't know is that the Greens family is here and Eve family. I hope the women i date aren't walking around here. Just as i was thinking out loud, a familiar voice came right behind me. " Hi handsome, are you here by chance alone? Where is your pretty doctor ? Have you abandon her already?"
Hello Eve, is nice seeing you again. And no we are every married and is already a year. Yeah a year where i had to full fill your needs instead of your wife!
Take it easy here Eve, i told we are done and am giving my marriage a try. Ooohhh really says the man, where his Wife ran to the garden with another man. Oh his name is Daniel, that one business man you hated once. Just in case you want to know where your wife is. Don't play like regina is all that faithful to you. Have a good night Robin, you know where to find me!

That bitch! I knew she would fill me up with those lies that regina is after something. I know regina is not that kind of woman. Just as i was getting a drink, the words that Eve says was ringing in my ears and something told me to look outside in the garden. Maybe she could be right. Robin was searching for regina and ask his sister where she went but they haven't seen her too. As he was still looking out for her. The Greens family came face to face with him while is mum and dad stood also close to him at that moment

I must congratulate you all family Locksley. Says the father of the Greens family. And you Robin, thank you again what you have done for us and for Marian. If it wasn't for her she would be not here by our side. " no need to thank Mrs & Mr Green" she Marian here? She is indeed! Why don't you say " Hi" to her? He nodded and saw her. There she was all laughing and having a good time. Just like the old days again where Robin had this thing for her. But his mum never approved she was the one for him. As Robin approach them. " Good evening everyone, may i steal her for a minute"
And just like that, you could see that spark in Marians eyes lightened up.

Just like any other days Marian will always looked this good, but not as good like my wife. " Hi Marian, may i have this dance with you? Sure, why not? They dance the night smoothly and talk how they have been. But for a moment Marian find it odd why she hasn't seen Regina. " So Robin, are you here alone? No am not, am with Regina. But where is your lovely wife then? She must to be somewhere chitchatting with some family i guess. Ooh you don't really know do you? My ask why this concern you so much? Well nothing special besides that your wife have run off with some handsome billionaire guy too to the yard. You may check on that! If you don't mind, i will leave you here to it. Good night Marian.

Marian just had to ruined her moment with blabbering mouth, now the good chance is gone. But like always Marian know how to get Robins attention so it's not a losing game. The party went on. And Robin heard this for the second time that Regina is with some guy in the Yard. Are they saying they saw her with someone else?

Am getting to wrried now, because i have put all my bad things aside and trying to make this marriage work, now i have to heard that she is now fucking with some guy that is also a billionaire like me. This gonna be fucked up! Robin is getting all angry and pissed now.

He told he men to look out for Regina by any chance. So he also look for her. He was nervous and worried and angry at the same time but he didn't let it slide easily to be seen to others. As he was walking towards the yard he saw alot of people talking there but haven't seen Regina yet. And just when he walk further he saw two people sitting at a bench outside the ballroom having a moment of het life.

There is where his heart dropped and just failed to be the husband she wanted from the beginning. For a moment all his pride and all his desires vanished in a second what he saw. Damn it you Robin!!! How can i slide it of my sleeve that easy. He was hiding and want to see what they were doing.
They talk and laugh and looked very intense at moments. I have been standing a whole 15 minutes here to watch them, and each time my heart dropped more and more.

I think this is it for me, i think i should give her want she want and let her go. Because i kept hurting her in the beginning and now she just found comfort in another man. As some point all Robin his cold heart return and all his love feelings died, because every time he opened up for a woman he got stabbed in his heart like he will never be enough.

He was still standing there, till he was just turning around he saw that they both kissed each other. I couldn't fully see if Regina was getting all into him, but i know he had kissed her like they knew each other for long time and they tried to be something again.

Robin was now really pissed and just stormed off the party. He left everything and everyone behind. He even left regina there. In some way Regina had a feeling Robin was near because she could smell the parfume of Robin close by......

Thanks for reading, see u on the next.

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