I am ....

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I am ....

I am Robin Lockley, a 40 years old rich business man. I own more than 15 companies in the world and in the state more than 8 companies. People call me for the rudeness i have and the bitterness i show to people. I am know as the billionaire with a cold heart. For more clearance I'm not a mafia and I don't do business with mafias.

I became from a wealthy family, my dad is the president and owner of all the international banks in America and Canada. My mother that sweet kind and loving lady is a top tier lawyer, she always handel my dad problem, or let say my family problems. My father js an engineer from home, but found his way out to be what he wanted to be. My mother is my weakness. I have still my grandparents tho, I'm blessed what God gave me throughout my years. My granddad is the owner of everything but handed my father everything and now my father want to give it to me. But before he do that, he told me to marry someone and than he can hand me everything he owns. That was the worst message ever that i had to fulfill for my parents, because my mom won't stop walking about it.

I went to harvard and study lawyer as my mother too. Did all my degrees but never find my way in the lawyer office.
So my father ask me to run the companies, so i did it without hesitating. I became the intelligent in the family after my oldest sister Eleonor. She became the first lawyer in the family after my mom and than i came second. Eleonor is already married and have 2 kids. A boy and a girl. Than you have me the oldest boy. After me you have David, he is a police officer, you have Killian he is also a police officer both brothers in high positions and you have my sister tinkerbell she study engineering as my father. She also works with my father too. My parents is our rolmodel, always had been and always will be. They have thrive with each other and surely with us too. Was not an easy ride but the pick the fruits own of their hard work.

In that case they have one wish to fulfill for our grandparents and that is me marrying someone. I have hearded rumors that they already picked a girl for me. I am not disagreeing but also not agreeing with the decision. I mean who is doing arrange marriage in this 21 century. I mean thats the last thing you would ever fulfill for your grandparents.

My parents are going to retire, they still have access to the companies and finance situation both not as earlier in the years. They we're the best we had but sadly they are giving their positions to the eldest son of the family.
About that, my grandparents lives with my parents and they also are the big sponsors of schools, hospitals and orphanages. They have done it to also to a very know hospital where The mills family are staying. They have done it for ages, maybe like 10 years now. On the 4th of July they will marked 10 years of sponsoring the hospital. All doing pleasure business with them.
The Mills family was and is always good friends with my parents thats why they have a good bonding through the years. And this year they will be having a big party, so the rude billionaire is going to attend something that will keep people mouths blabbering.

Something caught my thoughts, i haven't found the one yet, because i never had interest in a woman for a long term relationship. I only do women for my needs and lust. Its never long. In that case I haven't done it in a year. I was busy doing meetings and work and traveling and making deals with lots of companies and that keep me busy. So now that i thought about, maybe its good to hit the clubs again like i did before.

But not to forget, long time ago, i was in love with this gorgeous woman, the woman that would carry my children and be the wife i wanted. In some crazy ass wat she made me hare her for her guts she did me. We were engaged and we we're planning on getting marry and having those pumpkins run in the house, but one awful year she cheated on me with my co-worker who at that time was so famous and wealth more than i. I mean i was rich that time but not of my own money. So we broke up and never contacted each other again till one day something return.....

I am.....
Robin Lockley, Canada Vancouver

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