Last night dinner

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Last night dinner.....

I left his dinner in the oven, because i know he is at his girlfriend. But still i wrote on the note that he may be late from work so i left it in the oven. What a thoughtful wife i am. Well after i clean all the dinner and the kitchen, i lost all my energy for that entire dinner that go wasted. Because i knew Robin is not gonna eat it or maybe he will.

As the morning came, i did my daily routine, wake up at 4 and do all my morning routines. It became very easy for me, because when you discipline yourself for something or a goal, you have to offer yourself through everything. A bit of motivation will help. Today i wore those womanly pants on with a pink nude blouse. It was nice and professional but as i go to work i still need to wear the white coat. Pff that's a waste of not showing your nice outfit, but whatever.

We I finished i went downstairs and made breakfast as usual, its al ready a week and Alice is leaving this big house where i have to clean up myself. This will be tiring me off ! Will put with a lot of bruises everywhere if i fall or do to much work. Why i said bruises, is because i have a very sensitive body.

Made breakfast, something made me so sad and mad too that i have seen my dinner in the trash this morning. Did Robin really throw my dinner in the trash? That man is one of an asshole! It made me feel like a failure and a loser for doing my best and this is what i have to go through. What an asshole move of me too.

As i see the food in the trash, it had give me tears, because this is not what i had expected. What should i do more to make me at least feel okay?

Even when i was heart broken i still made him breakfast and coffee. Just went i made all that i just gone of to work, because I couldn't handle it for that moment.

Just when my alarm went off i just heard downstairs soms stuff moving, mist be Alice doing breakfast, but instead of thinking that is Alice, it's wasn't her, it was Regina. I got myself ready and just watch her what she did.

First i saw her being all sad and disappointed over the fact that i throw the food in the bin. And that she cried in the kitchen and made breakfast. It felt i won the victory at the moment because i will make her life a hell in this house after Alice is gonna leave.
Welcome to hell Regina, now you will meet the real Robin Locksley.

I watch her made everything, even did the coffee and just like that she didn't took any breakfast and just left with her work stuff. It was kinda sad but i love the way she will suffer and crumble like shit.

I just hate her, damn it !!! Why did my family even choose her. I should have had brought my girlfriend instead, instead of me marrying that little bitch.

And like i said, I won't touch or eat her food, because am still doubting that she will poison me with her food. So I threw in the trash again and just made my own coffee, just like i want it. And after that i went to work.

Like a usual day both parties worked and went home again. Before Robin came home, he picked out food on the way home and Regina waste again her money and the food.

Just went Regina turn around she saw Robin entering the house.
" Oh, you are here, i made us dinner, should make you a plate? Robin dinner answer. Again she ask with a little of sadness. Are you hungry? Still no answer." he just walk past Regina and went to his room.

And just like that i have to eat with myself again. I ate and just pick up my food and just eat a bit. I cleaned my dinner and still left some dinner in the oven for him. Because he will eventually get hungry, so he can eat.
Cleaned everything and just went to bed.

When i came home i saw that bitch cooking dinner and I don't have interest in her now, so I ignored her and just went to my room.

I took a shower, because i have a headache now. I don't know where Eve is, she is being off lately. I call her like 10 times today and still no answer. She must be busy I guess.

I laid in bed but something came through my mind. Why i feel this guilt over something i hate? Like why do i feel this guilt over me about Regina. I mean she deserve to be threaten like this, because i can't keep up with her annoying whinny bitch voice.

And Alice is leaving soon so i will make hell out of her life. Make her divorce me and me marrying Eve.

And all with this thinking sleep took over me. Regina was still busy finishing off work for tomorrow, so it won't be heavy for her. He brain is shutting out now after all the work and home amd a husband that is being so rude to me.

Finish my work papers and than slept through the night till the alarm went off. But something weird came up to me my thinking, why i have these hot thoughts about someone that doesn't care about me? It's held me captive through the days sometimes, I speak about Robin.

By the way i have walk around the house sometimes and the house had a big yard and no flowers, only trees. I could start something in the garden or just plant some vegetables, so we have our own and can make a use of it. The running thoughts at night is crazy. And just like that slept took over.

Thanks for reading this chapter. Hope you enjoyey it. See on the next chapter.

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