The dinner

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The dinner.....

As we all went to work, it was all time to go home now. Robin is getting off to work at 7 pm and me on 5 pm. Work was hectic today, i had a surgery on a patient who was 5 years old, he had brain rumor but luckily we discovered it on time, it could be saved. Beside that i had paper work and some new internshipers at work so i showed them around.

Stressfull as it can be, being a CEO of a company is nerve racking! Sometimes we have all these good days, but sometimes we have also these bad days and along that we have to go home to a wife I don't even like, all because of my father. How nice is that for a welcoming to your own house. Maybe i can go see my girlfriend today, because i haven't seen her all day and she didn't called. Yeah i can do that.

" Hey babe, are you home?" Haven't seen around today, everything good? "
Hi Robin my sweet pie, haven't had the time to write to you. How can we make this work for us both? " how about i meet you at your apartment? " that's sound good, see you soon than?

By the am crazy for this chick, she had been solid good to me this past few yers, her name is Eve. She was a fashion designer and she is 30 years old, slim body and good taste in sex btw.

As Robin had his finger wrapped around his girlfriend, he didn't even thought about his wife. She is just a person that comes live with him. What a rudeless man he is. Robin drove from work to his girlfriend Eve.

Regina on her turn drove from work to the grocery shop to get some items for the dinner, maybe she can make Robin look at her. Regina was a person with hope even when she knows hope is already gone. She did her shopping and drove back home. On the way home she got a text from her mother in law that they are invited to a dinner for next weekend, because this weekend is to early. 

" Hi, Regina.
With Robins mom, got your number from your mom, wanna remind you that next week we have dinner at our house, be there at 7 pm please
Love from us, xoxo "
" Will be there mom" xo

When Regina came home it was already 6, so she had to be quick. She start immediately went she put all the groceries away. Alice was no where to be seen so i think see went home. Well that can make me do my wife duties at least. As I prepare everything, i was done at 7, took me an hour to make dinner. By the way i made my favorite from my mom recipe, beef lasagna. Ot was over the moon. Beside being doctor am also a good cook. My mother use to leave me at that when am alone with my sister, when my father and mother went on vacations. So I learned at a young age.

I made dinner and went to take a shower, because the smell won't do it right now. Took a shower and went downstairs. As i set the table i waited for Robins arriving. Look at my clock, i see its past 7 and now past 8 amd now past 9 and 10. Where could this man be? One I don't have his number so calling wouldn't help. And no one was around to help. So maybe i start eating dinner, because its getting cold.

As i start having my dinner, it didn't feel right, than something click in my mind, he must be at his girlfriend.
All that thinking brought me a sad feeling. So finish my dinner and just cleaned the diner because it was already past 11.

I even watch a movie in the living room and he didn't came home yet. Was a failure for me. I should know better for the next time. And still I don't learn from my mistakes. I always try my best for people who hates me.

" Oooh Robin, please don't stop"
" oh Robin i love you" Oh Robin am so close ...... Babe am also behind you, please don't cum yet" After all that noice and sound of the sex, both of them came. " Well that was amazing for a make up" Yes, right?" And it went from 2 rounds to 4.

But as for Robin, he knows what protection means so every time they go for around he use the protections. Smart man. After all the activities he hadn't paid attention to the time. The time was now, 2 Am in the morning.

He jumped from the bed and wear his clothes and just left from there. His home was a 30 min ride so he sped to his home, thinking for a moment of Regina.

When he arrived at home, he saw all the light been turn off, yeah obviously! It's 2.30 Am in the morning what do you expect. As for Robin he slowly went inside and just saw there we're candles on the diner table and some wine glasses. Regina had a date? In my house!!???? He started to get angry at the thoughts.

When he walk to the kitchen he saw it was neatly clean and when he walk further he saw a note on th fridge.
On the note said;

" i know you may be late from work, but i made dinner for you, it's in the oven " Regina 

Shit!!!!! Wtf i did! She cooked for me and all i was doing was fucking another woman.  Well at least she knows he duty as a wife in this house. Well i think she want to enter hell. I can do that easily for her.

As a rudeless huband he is, he just throws his dinner in the trash. A stupid ass husband and also an ungrateful one too. He throws it and went to his room. Because he already at fun and by the way she could be poison me too with the food. Fucking hell no am eat her dinner.

The dinner is done and thrown.
Thank you for reading. Don't mind the grammer.

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