Chapter 1

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    The clouds covered the dark indigo night sky like a blanket releasing a shower of dreary rain on the tranquil beach of Cape Fear on Head Island. Washed upon the shore, laying face-down and unconscious, was a yellow, humanoid fox. On her arms were purple sleeves with ying yang symbols on the back of the hands. She opened her blue eyes slowly, regaining consciousness as the black sclera of her eyes became more visible.

    "Ngh..." She grunted, trying to make sense of her situation. "Where... where... am I?" Suddenly, her eyes shot open.

    She frantically looked around, searching for someone or something. After about five seconds, her eyes widened in horror.

    What she saw was a human, lying on the ground. A massive section of his shirt was freshly died red, and it was especially dark around the center. The sand beneath him was dyed red too.

    "Takeru!" The yellow furry rushed over. She stumbled a little bit, as a massive cut, stretching from the top of her thigh down to her knee, caused searing pain to shoot through her leg with each step. But she didn't care. The injured human was her only concern.

    Upon reaching the human, she kneeled down, tightly grasping the human's hand with both of her three-fingered hand paws.

    "Takeru!" She begged, tears in her eyes. "Takeru, please hang on!"

    "Rgh..." The human grunted in pain, as his eyes opened slowly. It seemed as though moving his eyelids required all the strength he had left.

    "Please... Please don't leave me!"

    "I'm... sorry..."

    "Please, Takeru! I'm begging you! Please stay with me!"

    "Ri-en..." The injured human put his hand on the vixen's yellow-furred shoulder. "I'm just glad... you're safe... uuuuhhhh..." His eyes closed, and his arm losely fell to the ground. Landing on the sand with a soft sound that resonated like a church bell in the poor furry's ears.

    "N-no... Please..." She turned her head to the skies, tears falling from her face as though her eyes were the clouds above her. "TAKERUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!"

----------------------------------------------------Chapter 1: Enter Takeru----------------------------------------------------

    The sunlight shone down upon the streets of New York. The sunlight was bright and warm, reflecting on the white sidewalks. In the window of a nearby store, a TV played its advertisement.

    "Digi-RUSH! Digimon and Humans can now be as one! Thanks to the D.H.A.I.V.R system, digimon come to life!"

    *shows digimon roaming the City of Tokyo, then the City of London, then the city of New York*

    "You can make your digimon fight!" *displays a Garurumon clashing with a Greymon, as two humans with smartphones stand behind their respective digimon*

    "Care for them!" *shows someone brushing a Gatomon's fur*

    "And make them digivolve!" *shows an Agumon digivolving into a Greymon*

    "Become a digidestined! Feel the rush and download Digi-RUSH today!"

    *then shows the company logo* "Presented by 2A!"

    Suddenly, two boys rush by. Carrying their backpacks, they ran under the warm sunlight without hesitation. One of them has blond hair, the other has big, messy brown hair. (Takeru's image is here, but I need to find the image for Ren)

 (Takeru's image is here, but I need to find the image for Ren)

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