Chapter 2

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   Aohmon began to get back up. His glowing-yellow eyes conveyed an obvious fury, despite the lack of pupils or any patterns. The beast's gaze became fixed on the yellow furry.
But the Renamon stood, not even remotely shaken. Instead, she got into a fighting stance.

    "I won't let you lay a hand on Takeru!" She said.

    "Huh? You know my name too?!" Takeru exclaimed. "Who's been posting my name on social media?"

    "What's a social media?" Akamon asked.

    "...I'll explain later."

    Aohmon roared, lunging at the yellow-furred rookie level.

    But Renamon jumped over the sea serpent with a summersault. Landing on both feet. "Ngh..." She grunted, her left leg flinching.

    "Huh?" Takeru squinted his eyes, looking more closely. What he saw on the Renamon's left leg was a massive scar, stretching from the top of her thigh to her knee. It was enough to make Takeru grimmance. "She's hurt!"

    "Don't worry about me!" She reassured. "I won't let them hurt you again!"

    "...again?" Takeru was confused. "What are you talking about?"

    Before the yellow fox could respond, Aohmon launched a pair of water bombs at its foe. The furry ninja easily dodged with a cartwheel. She then jumped into the air, crossing her arms as several glowing shards developed around her.

    "Diamond storm!" She called out. Spreading her arms like an eagle's wings, the shards were launched, pelting the aquatic beast with tremendous force.

    The beast yelped out in pain as it fell to the ground.

    The Renamon landed on both feet, flinching as she landed. She then turned to Takeru. "We shoul-" But to her surprise, Neither Takeru nor Akamon was there. "Huh?" She turned to her right, seeing a cloud of dust, but Takeru was still visible as he held the injured reptilian digimon.

    "Don't worry Akamon!" He said. "You're gonna be fine!"

    The Renamon gazed at the sight in bewilder. "...Takeru?" Renamon said, confused, yet remotely saddened.

    Aohmon began to get back up, despite the diamond storm knocking the wind out of his sails. "Grrrr..." He growled, only to see that none of his prey was around. Takeru made a break for it, and Renamon vanished like the ninja she is. "Why those little..."

    "That's enough, Aohmon." Said a female voice. "We'll just have to get them next time."
The aquatic digimon turned around to see a blond-haired girl (it's on my deviantart page).

    "Can't we chase after them now? You know that Bli-"

    "I said that's enough!."

    "..." Aohmon glowed, and began to shrink. When the glow faded, in its place was a Betamon. "You're no fun, Nami." He said, disappointed.

----------------------------------------------------Chapter 2: Akagami----------------------------------------------------

    Takeru rushed to the front door of his home, carrying Akamon. "Gramps!" He called, knocking on the door desperately. "Open up! Hurry! Gramps!"

    The door unlocked, and upon opening, there stood old man Akagami. "Welcome home Ta- Oh my! What is that?"

    "No time to explain. This guy needs help!" Takeru rushed inside, heading to the hallway closet before his grandfather could reply.

    Nearby, a yellow fox stood behind a tree, watching Takeru rush into his humble abode. "Takeru... Is it really you?"

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