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Jia's POV -

Chapter 5: Unexpected Connections

Jia couldn't help but blush as she scrolled through Ren's Instagram profile. She had been replaying their in-flight conversation in her mind ever since they parted ways at the airport. She found herself drawn to his posts, each one revealing a layer of his artistic soul. What had started as a simple exchange of numbers had quickly escalated into a full-blown case of admiration.

Blaming it on pregnancy hormones, she muttered to herself, "Come on, Jia, get a grip. You can't just swoon over a pretty boy you met on a flight."

But deep down, she knew it was more than that. There was something about Ren that had sparked a newfound curiosity and excitement in her. As she navigated through his pictures, she couldn't help but think that he was not just any pretty boy; he was an artist, a thinker, and someone she wanted to know more about.

Suddenly, her phone chimed with a notification, and her heart skipped a beat. Ren had started following her on Instagram. It was a simple gesture, but it sent a rush of excitement through her veins. She immediately followed him back and liked a few of his recent posts, trying to play it cool while her inner fangirl danced with joy.

Meanwhile, in another part of the city, Jia's elder brother, Jayden, was enjoying a quiet evening at home with his wife, Mira and daughter Eden. They had recently moved back to their hometown after years of living in France, and they were adjusting to life in England. Jayden had always been overprotective of his little sister, especially now that she was pregnant.

As Jayden scrolled through his own social media feed, he caught sight of Jia's recent activity. His protective instincts immediately kicked in when he saw Ren's name and a picture of his sister following him. "Mira, look at this," he said, showing her the screen.

Mira, who had been engrossed in her book, glanced at the phone. "What's the matter?"

"It's Jia," Jayden replied with a hint of concern. "She's following some guy named Ren on Instagram. Do you think she's met someone new? I hope she's being careful."

Mira, however, couldn't believe her eyes when she saw Ren's profile picture. It had been years, but she still recognized him instantly. Her heart raced, and she suddenly felt a wave of guilt wash over her.

"Mira, what's wrong?" Jayden asked, noticing her change in demeanor.

Mira cleared her throat, trying to hide her discomfort. "It's just... I used to know someone named Ren a long time ago."

Jayden raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Really? Tell me more."

But Mira couldn't bring herself to say more. Instead, she abruptly stood up and excused herself, leaving Jayden in a state of confusion.

Back at Jia's apartment, her excitement over her new Instagram follower was still bubbling. Her iver excited self couldn't resist sending Ren a message, typing and deleting it several times before finally settling on, "Hey."

Jia's phone finally lit up with a notification. Her heart raced as she saw that Ren had replied to her message. "Hiii." He had sent, which marked the beginning of a series of back and forth which would be surely lasting for a long time.

Perhaps forever ? Who knows.

Meanwhile, at Jayden and Mira's home, Mira finally decided to open up to her husband about her past. She knew it was time to tell him the truth about Ren and their shared history.

"Jayden," she began, her voice trembling slightly, "I need to tell you something about Ren."

Jayden, concerned by her unease earlier, listened intently as Mira recounted the story of her friendship with Ren, their close bond, and how she had eventually moved to France to pursue her dreams of becoming a lawyer. She admitted that Ren had confessed his feelings to her before she left, and she had rejected him because she believed it was the right thing to do at the time.

As Jayden processed this revelation, he couldn't help but feel a mixture of surprise and sympathy. He had known Mira for years, but this was a side of her past that she had never shared. He could see the guilt in her eyes as she spoke about Ren, and he couldn't help but wonder if their sudden return to their hometown was a good decision.

Mira finished her story with a sigh. "I saw Ren's name and his picture on Jia's phone, and it brought back memories I thought were buried in the past. I didn't expect to encounter him again."

Jayden, although taken aback by the revelation, placed a comforting hand on Mira's shoulder. "Mira, it's in the past now. We're married, and our future is together. But we should be there for Jia and make sure she's okay. She might not even know about your history with Ren."

Mira nodded, her eyes filled with gratitude. "You're right, Jayden. Let's be there for Jia and support her in whatever way she needs."

As Jayden lay in bed that night, Mira's revelation weighed heavily on his mind. He couldn't help but wonder if this unexpected twist of fate was the beginning of a storm that would disrupt their lives. He questioned if Ren could ever love his sister,in the same way he had loved Mira. Jayden's protective instincts flared, and he vowed not to let his sister become a second choice in anyone's heart. The night was filled with restless thoughts, uncertainty, and the realization that their lives were on the brink of profound change.


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