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3rd Person POV -

Chapter 7: The Art of Connection

The evening of Ren's art exhibition had arrived, and as he stood in the midst of his creations, he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness. The room was filled with vibrant colors and thought-provoking pieces, each one a part of his creative soul laid bare.

Jia arrived looking stunning in a simple yet elegant dress, her eyes filled with curiosity as she took in the art around her. Ren greeted her with a warm smile, and they embarked on a journey through the world of his art, with Ren providing insights and stories behind each piece.

As they walked hand in hand, Jia's presence felt like a breath of fresh air to Ren. He marveled at how easy it was to talk to her, to share his passion for art, and to feel a connection that was growing stronger with each passing moment.

During a particularly emotional moment in front of one of Ren's paintings, Jia's eyes glistened with tears. "This is so beautiful, Ren. Your art touches the soul."

Ren was deeply moved by her words and the genuine emotion in her eyes. "Thank you, Jia. I'm glad you can feel the emotions behind my work."

After the exhibition, they stepped out into the cool London night, their hands still intertwined. The city was alive with its bustling streets and dazzling lights. Jia's stomach growled, interrupting the silence, and she chuckled sheepishly. "I guess it's time for a late-night snack."

Ren grinned, always ready to embrace an opportunity for more time together. "How about ice cream?"

Jia's eyes lit up at the suggestion. "Yes, please! Ice cream sounds perfect."

They ventured to a nearby ice cream parlor, where Jia's pregnancy cravings led her to order the most eclectic combination of flavors Ren had ever seen. She couldn't decide between salted caramel and pistachio, so she got both, along with a scoop of chocolate chip cookie dough.

As they sat at a small table, Jia dug into her ice cream with enthusiasm, and Ren couldn't help but smile as he watched her savor each bite. She looked utterly content, her eyes closing in delight as she tasted the different flavors.

Ren realized that he was drawn to her in a way he hadn't felt in a long time. He enjoyed their conversations, her infectious laughter, and the way she appreciated the world around her. But was this attraction turning into something more? Was he falling for Jia?

Lost in thought, Ren's fingers brushed against Jia's hand as he reached for his own ice cream. Jia's cheeks flushed, and she cleared her throat, a hint of nervousness in her voice. "Ren, about the coffee date and this evening... I've had a great time."

Ren couldn't deny the warmth that surged through him as he looked into her eyes. "I have too, Jia."

She continued, "But I just want to be upfront. I'm pregnant, and my life is about to change in a big way. I don't want to mislead you or make things complicated."

Ren admired her honesty, and he gently squeezed her hand. "Jia, I appreciate your honesty, and I'm glad you shared that with me. I think you're an incredible person, and I enjoy spending time with you. Let's take things one step at a time and see where this journey leads us."

Jia's smile was radiant, her relief evident. "Thank you, Ren. I really like you, and I want to see where this goes too."

As they finished their ice cream and headed back through the city streets, Ren couldn't help but feel that he was on the cusp of something beautiful. He may not have all the answers about his feelings for Jia just yet, but he was willing to explore this connection and see where it would take them. The night was young, and their story was just beginning, filled with the art of possibility and the canvas of their hearts.

As Ren and Jia walked back to the car, the London streets still bustling around them, a kindly old lady with a warm smile approached them. She looked at them with a twinkle in her eye and said, "You make such a lovely couple, dear. Congratulations on your little one. May your journey together be filled with love and joy."

Jia's eyes widened in surprise, and she felt her cheeks turn the brightest shade of crimson. She stammered, trying to find her voice, but the words simply wouldn't come. Ren, his own cheeks tinged with a blush, managed to mutter a shy "Thank you" as he held back a chuckle.

The old lady's blessing left them both flustered, and they continued their walk in comfortable silence. Ren couldn't help but secretly adore how adorable Jia looked when caught off guard, but he decided to keep that thought to himself for now. There was something beautiful about this moment, a shared connection and a blessing that seemed to hint at the possibilities of their future together.


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