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Jia's POV -

Chapter 9: Waiting for Tomorrow

It's been three long months since I last heard from Ren. My due date is looming closer, and my emotions are all over the place. One moment, I'm thrilled about becoming a mother, and the next, I'm wondering if I'll ever find love again. Adrian left me, and now Ren has disappeared without a trace.

Jayden and Mira have been absolute sweethearts through this entire ordeal, but they're also being ridiculously overprotective. It's like having two overbearing parents instead of one brother and a sister-in-law. They're constantly fussing over me, monitoring my every move, and trying to cheer me up.

The banter between Jayden and me has reached new heights. He's convinced that I need to eat for two, and I swear, I've never seen someone so enthusiastic about feeding a pregnant woman. He's like a chef on a mission to make me gain twenty pounds before the baby arrives.

"Jia, you need to eat more," he insists, pushing a plate of extra-large portions in front of me. "You're eating for two now!"

I roll my eyes and take a small bite. "Jayden, I can't eat as much as you want me to. I'll roll into the delivery room."

Mira, always the mediator, tries to keep the peace. "Come on, you two. Let's not argue. Jia, just eat what you can, and Jayden, she knows you're looking out for her."

Jayden grumbles but relents, and I can't help but smile at how much he cares.

Their adorable three-year-old daughter, Eden, is a constant source of joy. She's excited about becoming a big sister, and she's taken it upon herself to talk to my belly as if she's having full-fledged conversations with the baby.

"Baby, are you ready to come out and play?" Eden asks, her tiny hand resting on my belly. "I can't wait to meet you!"

I chuckle at her enthusiasm and pat her head gently. "You're going to be the best big sister, Eden."

As my due date inches closer, I can't help but think about Ren and the silence that's enveloped our once-promising connection. I haven't reached out to him after those first unanswered messages. Maybe it's pride, maybe it's the fear of rejection, or maybe it's the realization that I need to focus on myself and my baby right now.

I was just about to take a nap when the doorbell rang, and when I opened it, there they were - my dad, Ryan, my mom, Scarlett, and my younger brother, Eric. They looked as if they had just landed on a mission to rescue me from impending motherhood doom.

Just when I thought I had enough overprotective family members, my parents and younger brother decided to surprise me with a visit from Switzerland. Jayden and Mira, in their quest to make me feel better, probably had a hand in orchestrating this whole operation.

"Daddy's here to protect you," my dad declared, puffing out his chest as if he was my knight in shining armor.

"Mom's here to make sure you eat enough," my mom chimed in, brandishing a bag full of Swiss chocolates and cheese.

"And I'm here to make you laugh," Eric said, grinning like a Cheshire cat.

Jayden and Mira stood behind them, trying to suppress their laughter as they watched the chaotic scene unfold. Jayden leaned over and whispered to me, "Looks like you've got a Swiss army of protectors now."

Mira added, "You're going to have to rent out a bigger apartment just to fit all the people trying to take care of you."

As my family bustled around my apartment, inspecting every corner as if it was a crime scene, I couldn't help but laugh. It was overwhelming, yes, but it was also heartwarming to see how much they cared.

"Jia, you need to rest," my mom declared, shooing everyone out of the kitchen. "I'm going to cook you a proper meal."

My dad immediately volunteered to take over my grocery shopping duties, and Eric announced his plan to decorate the nursery. I looked at Jayden and Mira, who were also trying to blend into the chaos.

"Welcome to the circus," I said with a laugh.

Jayden grinned. "Hey, at least you won't be bored."

True to their word, my family transformed my apartment into a whirlwind of activity. My mom cooked up a feast that could have fed a small army, and my dad returned with enough groceries to last until the baby's first birthday. Eric, armed with paint samples and fabric swatches, enthusiastically began planning the nursery's color scheme and decor.

As the day wore on, my family's enthusiasm showed no signs of waning. They hovered around me like protective guardian angels, offering advice, hugs, and enough food to last a lifetime. Jayden and Mira played the roles of intermediaries, trying to maintain some semblance of order in the midst of the Swiss invasion.

By evening, I was exhausted but filled with a profound sense of gratitude. Yes, my family was over-the-top and slightly crazy, but their love and support were unwavering. As I settled into bed that night, surrounded by Swiss chocolates and a pile of baby clothes, I couldn't help but smile.

Maybe love hadn't found its way back into my life just yet, but I was certainly surrounded by an abundance of it. The future is uncertain, but one thing I know for sure is that I have a lot of love to give, and this baby is going to be the lucky recipient. As long as I have my family, love can wait.


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