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3rd Person POV -

Chapter 10: Baby Bump Banter

The apartment was abuzz with excitement as Jia's Swiss family continued their whirlwind visit. Eric, her younger brother, was in his element, feeling a newfound sense of responsibility as he decided to have a heart-to-heart chat with his soon-to-arrive niece or nephew. He had taken a seat next to Jia on the couch, her baby bump the center of attention.

"Listen up, little one," Eric began, placing a hand on Jia's belly as if addressing a tiny executive board meeting. "I need to talk to you about your mamma. She's a wild one, always getting into crazy adventures. I've seen her do things that would make a mountain goat nervous."

Jia raised an eyebrow, her expression a mix of amusement and mock offense. "Eric, I can hear you, you know."

Ignoring his sister, Eric continued his one-sided conversation with the baby bump. "So, here's the deal. You're going to have to be the responsible one in this family, okay? Keep an eye on your mamma, and don't let her do anything too crazy. We're counting on you."

Just as Eric was about to impart more words of wisdom to the unborn child, a fluffy cushion suddenly flew through the air and smacked him squarely in the face. It was Jia, taking playful offense at Eric's remarks.

"Dad!" Eric protested, clutching the cushion dramatically to his chest. "Jia attacked me! I'm just trying to give some good advice to the baby!"

Jia rolled her eyes, but a mischievous grin played on her lips. "Eric, you're talking to my belly like it's a life coach seminar. What did you expect?"

Ryan, their father, who had been watching the scene unfold with an amused twinkle in his eye, decided to step in. He calmly walked over to Eric and, without a word, delivered a gentle but firm smack to the back of his head. It was a classic "Dad move" that immediately silenced any complaints from Eric.

Eric rubbed the back of his head and pouted, but he wisely decided to change tactics and join in on the fun. "Okay, fine, I get it. No more advice sessions with the baby."

Just as the room was about to return to a semblance of normalcy, Scarlett, their mom, couldn't resist getting in on the action. She playfully boxed Eric's ears, earning a yelp of surprise from her son.

"Dad, she's bullying me!" Eric exclaimed, his mock outrage escalating.

Ryan, however, merely chuckled and patted his son's shoulder. "Eric, it's all in good fun. You started it."

Just then, Jayden, Mira, and their energetic three-year-old daughter, Eden, joined the scene, sensing that something exciting was happening. Jayden grabbed a cushion and declared, "It's a cushion war!"

Soon, the living room devolved into chaos as cushion projectiles flew in every direction. Jia, Eric, Jayden, and Mira were all engaged in a hilarious, pillow-fueled skirmish, while Eden, the youngest combatant, giggled with delight and added her own small cushions to the mix.

Jia couldn't help but laugh as the room erupted into playful madness. It was a heartwarming reminder of how love and laughter could transform even the most ordinary moments into cherished memories. As cushions flew, giggles echoed, and the baby bump wiggled in response to the commotion, Jia couldn't help but feel grateful for the wonderful, slightly crazy, and undeniably loving family that surrounded her.

Amidst the cushion warfare, Jia's baby bump seemed to join in on the excitement with a playful kick. It was as if the unborn child wanted to be a part of the family fun, adding its own contribution to the chaotic scene.

Mira, who had been caught in the crossfire of flying cushions, couldn't resist laughing along with the rest of them. She picked up a cushion and turned to Eden, who was busy constructing a cushion fort.

"Eden, it's a cushion battle!" Mira exclaimed, tossing a cushion towards her.

Eden squealed with delight and threw her tiny cushion back at Mira. Soon, mother and daughter were engaged in their own little skirmish within the larger war, their laughter ringing through the room.

As the cushion fight raged on, Jayden, who had become the self-declared commander of the battlefield, seized the opportunity to make a bold move. With a cushion in each hand, he dove behind the couch, using it as a makeshift shield.

"Nobody messes with the commander!" Jayden shouted, his voice filled with mock seriousness.

Eric, having recovered from the earlier playful assaults, saw his chance for redemption. He grabbed a nearby cushion and, with a mischievous grin, charged towards Jayden.

In a whirl of cushions and laughter, the room was filled with pure, unbridled joy. Jia couldn't remember the last time she had laughed so heartily, and the warmth of her family's presence was like a soothing balm for her soul.

Eventually, the cushion war came to a joyful end, with everyone collapsing onto the couch and floor, cushions strewn haphazardly around the room. Eden, tuckered out from the excitement, crawled into Jia's lap and snuggled against her baby bump.

As they caught their breath and exchanged smiles, Jia couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude. She had been through so much in the past few months, from the uncertainty of her relationships to the challenges of impending motherhood, but moments like these reminded her of the love and support that surrounded her.

"Thank you," Jia whispered, her voice filled with emotion as she looked at her family. "Thank you all for being here, for being with with me." She teared up.

"Oh come on now, don't cry, it makes you look like an orangutan." Eric said, earning a glare from his sister.

Ryan, Scarlett, Jayden, Mira, and even little Eden all exchanged knowing glances, their eyes reflecting the deep bond they shared as a family. They had come together to bring joy and laughter into Jia's life, and in that moment, they knew they had succeeded.

With their hearts full and their spirits lifted, they settled into a comfortable evening together, cherishing the warmth of family and the promise of new beginnings. Amidst the laughter and love, Jia couldn't help but wonder what the future held for her and her soon-to-arrive baby. But one thing was certain – with this incredible, slightly crazy, and undeniably loving family by her side, she was ready to face whatever came her way.


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