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Ren stood nervously in front of Jia's door, clutching the bouquet of flowers. He took a deep breath and knocked.

*Knock, knock.*

Jia opened the door, a cool expression on her face. Ren's heart raced, and he began, "Hey, Jia, I..."

But before he could finish, Jia simply raised an eyebrow, took the flowers, and shut the door in his face. Ren stood there, stunned, with the door between them.

Ren muttered to himself, "Well, that didn't go as planned."

Meanwhile, Mira and Jayden, dressed in absurd disguises as undercover agents, were crouching behind a nearby potted plant.

Mira whispered urgently to Jayden, "Jay, I really need to pee. This is a disaster!"

Jayden rolled his eyes, "Baby, we're on a mission. Can't you hold it?"

Mira retorted, "I can't hold it like some kind of camel! We need to abort this mission."

As they argued, Ren, feeling defeated, approached them. "Guys, it's a disaster. She ignored me completely."

Mira, distracted by her own concerns, snapped at Ren, "Well, maybe you should've thought of that before knocking on her door with flowers like some '90s rom-com reject. I told you, my ideas were better."

Ren's eyes welled up, he hugged Jayden and began to cry. "I'll die alone, Jay! A virgin! It's all over!"

Jayden, trying to be supportive, patted Ren on the back. "Come on, man. It's not that bad. Just give her some time."

But Mira, annoyed by Ren's dramatics, smacked him on the head. "Deserve it, crybaby."

Ren, fueled by frustration, retaliated with a light smack of his own. "You're the worst, Mira!"

And just like that, a full-blown sibling-like squabble erupted between Ren and Mira, complete with hair-pulling and childish insults.

Jayden, observing the chaos, sighed, "You two are worse than Eden."

Mira shot back, "Hey, don't drag our innocent daughter into this!"

As the fight continued, Jia, inside her apartment, couldn't help but hear the commotion outside. She opened the door again, giving Ren a stern look.

"Is this your idea of an apology, Ren?" she asked, unimpressed.

Ren, realizing the situation had escalated far beyond his control, turned to Jia with pleading eyes. "Jia, I'm sorry. This isn't how I planned it. Can we please talk?"

Jia sighed, "Maybe, if you can act like a mature adult for once."

Ren nodded, "Absolutely. No more crazy plans."

Jia finally allowed a small smile. "Good. Now go deal with my crazy brother and sister in law."

As Ren turned to address Mira and Jayden, he realized they were still bickering.

Mira accused, "You never support my ideas, Jay! This is why we can't have nice things."

Jayden retorted, "Because your ideas involve hot air balloons and puppy parades! I can't keep up with your insanity."

Jia, amused by the spectacle, couldn't help but chuckle. Ren, exasperated, joined in her laughter.

She looks at Ren and glares. "Stop laughing. I still haven't forgiven you."

Mira crossed her arms, glaring at them. "Oh, do give him a hard time Jia, but I still need to pee, so bye." She pushed them and entered the house.

And so, amidst the chaotic hilarity, the group finally settled down. Ren and Jia agreed to a more sensible conversation, and Mira, victorious in a battle of wills, finally got her chance to relieve herself.

As they regrouped, Ren and Jia exchanged a glance, silently agreeing that perhaps a conversation really was due, if they wanted to resolve their misunderstandings. Little did they know, Mira was already scheming her next grand plan, and Jayden, resigned to the madness, simply shook his head.

And so, the saga continued, filled with laughter, absurdities, and the promise of unexpected adventures. The journey to redemption, it seemed, was destined to be anything but ordinary.


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