Chapter 2

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I tried as hard as I could to steer away from the frightened boy but my legs kept moving. I saw him retreating into the trees trying hard to get away. It hurt to see people running away from me. It hurt to be feared. A hot burst of anger shot through me. It's not like I asked to be a monster.

Those thoughts were pushed away as he reached the line of trees. You would think I couldn't be able to see or hear well, but I had hawk eyes and could hear a fly a mile away. My sharp eyes saw my prey trying to scramble up a tree but the branches kept breaking, spilling him back to the ground.

Everything still human about me left as I made my way to the boy. My head was filled with thoughts of killing him. Breaking open his skull and eating what was inside. Whenever this happened to me I tried to push the thoughts away, but the hunger always conquered me.

I was never hungry until I saw something living. I could live the rest of my life without eating a thing, but whenever something moved or ran away a strange hunger always made its way to me. I felt that now. The pains in my stomach as if I hadn't eaten in a decade.

I saw the boy with painstaking detail as I advanced on him. He looked to he 10 but could be younger. His blonde hair was matted with sweat and dirt and there was fear in his eyes. I couldn't blame him for being afraid. I was about to eat him. Not to mention how I look. Decomposed and rotten probably. I've never seen myself since I was infected. I used to have black hair with green eyes.

The memories were pushed away as I reached for the boy now lying on the forest floor panting and probably slipping into shock. My pale white hand closed around his shirt and I lifted him with ease. I brought him close to me and opened my mouth ready to bite down. But I stopped.

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