Chapter 7

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The pack swarmed me. I swung out at them with punches, kicks, and scratches. They came at me three at a time biting and scratching at my unprotected skin. One grabbed at my neck and tried to twist my head. I pushed them away grabbing arms and twisting them. I heard grueling snaps as the other zoms arms were broke or dislocated fending them useless. The leader pushed down the weakest zoms and finished them off. Finally it was just me and him, the rest of his pack littering the ground.

He bared his rotten teeth at me and let out an angry growl, bloodshot eyes flashing to where David hid in the underbrush. This gave me all the anger and motivation I needed to beat him. I wiped the black sludge off my hands and onto my worn down pants. Finally he looked back at me and charged. I sprinted after him as he ran for David's hiding spot. I tackled him to the ground. I rolled on my back and jumped up. He picked himself up slowly staring me down trying to decide the best way to take me down. He looked longingly at the trees but faced me instead.

He rushed me head on fists pumping at his side. I ran to meet him determination, anger, and adreniline driving me. His fist connected with my jaw making my head snap to the side. I turned back to face him rushing my hand up forming a fist to hit him square in the face. There was a sharp crack letting me know I had broke his nose. He looked at me, black ooze dripping down his face. He growled and swiped his hand at me. I fell to the ground getting a mouthful of dirt. I started to push myself up but I was pushed back to the ground. I felt a heel push against my neck and knew he ment to snap it. I struggled to get back up but he only pushed down harder.

It was over. My vision was beginning to cloud over as the pain began to take over. I heard a muffled voice but couldn't make out the sound. I closed my eyes and saw my mom cooking dinner, my dad reading the paper, and my brother reading a book. My brother. Who did he look like again? David. Yes David. Everything rushed back to me as the memory faded away. My eyes snapped open and my hand reached out grabbing the zom by the ankle. I pulled and heard a satisfying crunch as the he hit the ground. I pulled myself up rubbing my throbbing neck.

I saw David making his way towards me but I raised my hand warning him back. I turned to the zom to see him rising off the ground his eyes locked on David. I growled and tackled him back to the ground. We wrestled growling and snapping at each other. There was a sharp crack.The fight stopped. My hands loostened around the zoms neck as I fell back onto the ground. I stared as the spark left his eyes and he fell to the ground. Dead. For good this time.


Hey! Got a new chapter up. Thought he was dead at the end didn't ya? ;) Haha :)

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