💜🧡 ~ Wedding! 4/10

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I may write a bit less of this series after the wedding. What do y'all think about a cinderella side story of Lander on another book? 😶
Zander's POV:

I sat my vanity in the dressing room, Hailey sat next to me. I don't know what to think about anymore, I just want to see Luke. I sigh and rest my head in my arms, leaning my body towards the vanity to try and think about something else.

Hailey put a hand on my shoulder, causing me to jolt up in surprise. "Zander, what's wrong? You seem upset..." she spoke quietly, keeping her hand firmly resting on my shoulder.

I thought for a moment, trying to come up with any reason that I'm feeling like this, but to no avail. I mutter a simple "Dunno." Before looking at myself in the mirror.

It was hours before we were supposed to get married, yet it felt like things were moving too fast. I was ready physically sure, but mentally it was draining to even think about it.

Hailey nodded, turning her gaze to the door. She seemed to think about something for a second, which had already piqued my interest. I was going to ask her, when she immediately blurted out "Do you want to see him?".

My heart skipped a beat, "I'm not supposed to see him before the ceremony though?" I muttered out defeatedly. She simply gave me the look of 'Do you want to or not?'

One one hand I wanted to stick to traditional wedding terms since it would be better controlled, but Luke... Also hugs. I nodded my head, standing up as she led me out of the room and down the corridor.

I heard speaking in the corridor, 'probably Liam and Henry trying to decorate the place. But the voice seems... Feminine? And angry... Oh well' I thought to myself, continuing to let Hailey drag me down the corridor.

We arrived at a door that was a lot similar to the one I was behind, Hailey simply went in. She held the door shut so I couldn't get in, which I thought was some sort of sick joke until everyone else inside left.

She opened it again, ushering me in and locking the door behind. I looked back at the door, the unexpected slam startling me a bit. I heard a small gasp from behind, immediately turning around to see Luke.

He was dressed in what I can only say was the most beautiful thing ever, fitting perfectly on him. His hair was neatly pinned in places, clips and curls in all of the right places.

To this day, I have never seen a man as stunning as Luke looked that day.

I made my way towards him, being careful not to trip over my feet. He seemed dumbfounded, tears welling up in his eyes as he looked me up and down. I can't imagine what he sees in me in that moment, then again, I am pretty fabulous.


We know sweetie, you always are. BUT ANYWAYS.

I never seen Zander so handsome, I mean, he already is anyways. But the way he stood there, I never seen a human I wanted more than him in that moment. I walked over, meeting him in the centre of the room, Immediately holding one of his hands in my own.

He looked up at me, rubbing soft circles into the back of my hand, before whispering something incoherent to me. I couldn't quite make out what it was, but what would have been said would change that night forever in the long run.

I leaned down slightly to be level with him, gently lifting his chin to align with mine. I kissed him tenderly, savouring the moment between us like it would be our last.

As we broke apart, Zander smiled at me. He placed a hand on my shoulder, hugging my chest close to him. I wrapped my arms around him protectively, a sudden warm fuzzy feeling washing over me as I think of him.

"Zander, I love you." I speak with no thought, simply just stroking my fingers through his hair and enjoying his company whilst it was there.

He smiled a bit, giving a muttered "I love you too." That was muffled by the fabrics of my clothing he had hidden in. He rocked us side to side, humming contently.

I don't dare move; knowing that the two of us needed the time then more than anything that could be given to us. It's a comfort to have him here, to position himself so close and not have a care in the world of what stunts may occur around him.

I hear a small "Aww" come from behind the door, Zander moved from me and looked at the door to see Milly peeping through the door.

My mind immediately went back to needing attention, and that Zander seemed willing to provide, however, he had an... Obstacle to get rid of I suppose.

Zander grabbed his phone from his pocket, launching it at the door full force making Milly slam it to avoid it from hitting her.

I laughed, watching as he turned to me and started to laugh along with me. Charming, add that one to my list. I called it 1000 reasons you are the best.

At the half an hour mark, Hailey took Zander away from me once again, swearing to never let each other go after tonight.

As I continued to get ready, a new sense of hope washed over me. Who cares if my parents were there? Not like we'd be staying in Rosemeadow for much longer after the wedding anyways (Wink wink). That day all I wanted was a day to myself and my beloved, to share memories with our friends and bandmates and say our goodbyes before we moved.

But of course, nothing ever goes as planned, does it? I hear a knock at my door and lean in to answer it...

1007 Words.

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