❤️ ~ Anniversary 1/2.

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My upload schedule 📉- Anyways... How are you lot? Hope you're well!
No-One's POV:

The day broke through the curtains, Luke was still asleep, lay comfortably in bed. Zander creaked open the door with a small smile, looking at his sleepy husband.

"Luke?" He called softly, slowly walking to their bed and sitting down by the ginger-y man. He gently moved a lock of hair from his face as he watched him stir, a gentle smile coming onto his lips.

His eyes fluttered open, a small smile coming to Luke's face at the sight of his husband. "Good morning, Honey..." He mumbled, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. "Are we still going out today...?"

Zander nodded, glancing over at the clock. "Around an hour, I booked that café you wanted to go to. Do you want breakfast?" He spoke softly to his sleepy husband, taking his hand and rubbing soft circles into the back.

"I'll save myself for the café..." He chuckled, sitting up and stretching a little.

Zander hugged him. "Sounds good." Luke wrapped his arms around the smaller man, engulfing him into his embrace.


Zander sat on the kitchen counter, scrolling through his phone. He was waiting for Luke to get ready, having been ready even before he got up. He was buzzing with excitement, knowing how long Luke had been wanting to go to this café. It was quite the way away, back near Rosemeadow.

He had planned everything out perfectly; They'd get in a cab and travel the hour to Rosemeadow, go to the café and spend the rest of the day shopping. He checked his wallet, knowing the journey there would be expensive. He'd saved up for this, ready to have the best anniversary ever.

The man had done so much for him, and now he'd finally pay him back for the wonderful gift of his dog- wait— his dog. Zander looked over at the husky that was sprawled happily on the sofa, a small smile gracing his lips. Perhaps he'd be just fine staying with his mother for today...

"Honey?" Luke called, looking at the purple haired man. Zander smiled, getting up. "I'm coming, Luke." He replied with a chuckle, grabbing his keys and bag.

375 Words.

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