💜🧡 ~ Wedding! 5/10

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Luke's POV:

After mine and Zander's encounter, I felt my heart become weak with love. Seeing him stood there single handedly made me forget about everything bad that could happen, knowing he wouldn't care if I said something wrong. My prince, (Yes that is a reference lol) I would be married to him within the hour.

I heard the door creak open once again, seeing Elliot poke his head in from behind the door. "They've asked for you behind the Altar, they want to know who you want, where and when." He spoke, eyes widening in excitement.

I hummed in response, grabbing the rings from off the side and following him outside my dressing room.

Zander's POV:

As I left the room, I felt my stomach fill with butterflies. Seeing Luke there and then made me happier than I have ever been, to hug him even one last time before the most important moment of both of our lives was crucial.

I smiled brightly, running ahead of Hailey. She simply laughed and ran behind me shouting "Zander! Wait up, I'm in heels!!" I ignored her, allowing the seal on my pent up energy go ajar, laughing and half dancing down the corridor, grabbing onto the handle and swinging myself into my room and onto the beanbag chair.

I felt my legs start kicking my legs and squealing in excitement, thinking about it made me seem childish, but I couldn't care less in that moment. I had never felt so much thrill before and I mean NEVER.

I always tried to keep my emotions and excitement under wraps, having silent bursts of happiness in my head to not make myself seam weak or 'Underdressed' in how my mind had fogged. But that day I understood that you need to allow yourself to show that emotion sometimes, and that moment was all I needed.

I hear Hailey come in behind me panting, smiling at the motions and noises I was making, hugging me from behind and giggling. I wrapped my arms around hers, leaning back onto her shoulder and continuing my moment of bliss.

After a while we calmed down, our shared laughter turning into small chuckles as we relaxed against each other, our previous antics tiring our excited bodies into a calm atmosphere.

Hailey mumbled something in my ear, barely audible. "I'm proud of you, Zander." She hummed, resting her chin on my shoulder.

I turned to look at her, bringing a hand to rest on her head. "How so?" I responded, curiosity lacing my voice.

"You've came so far in life. You found a job, became successful in said job, now getting married to the man of your dreams. I strive to be like you, you really are amazing..." She chuckled, leaning into my touch.

I simply nodded in response, my breathing slowing, threatening me with sleep. "That means a lot to me, Hailey. Thank you..." I replied, forcing myself up from the beanbag and her touch.

Hailey simply looked up at me and smiled, following me to stand and resting her hands on either side of my shoulders.

"You all ready?" She asked, looking me up and down to make sure I was perfect. I nodded, smiling at her and holding the hands on me.

She let me go, pushing the door open for me and ushering me out of the door. We walked together down the corridor, discussing the events of tonight and what we would do after.

That really did make me wonder what we would do after the afterparty, 'what do people do after their wedding? Probably something uh- erotic. F*ck that. Doubt I'd be up for anything too exciting. Maybe we could go for a walk? If I ain't pissed jokey or something- eh, I'll think of it later' I thought to myself, turning my attention back to Hailey.

As we made it to the ballroom, Hailey waved at the people in the room, Daisy and Sadie. I gave a small smile, waving alongside her.

"Ah! Hailey, Zander!!" Daisy beamed, running over and hugging Hailey happily. She hugged back, starting a mild discussion on how the events were coming along. Sadie stood awkwardly in the corner, looking from me, to Hailey and to Daisy, supposedly wondering when to jump in the conversation.

I decided to leave her be, turning my gaze to the room.

A huge stage lit up the back of the room, various instruments were scattered across the stage, just as I had asked. Spotlights turned off, but the the dim colours seemed to light up all the same.

Hundreds of tables spread across the room, all decorated in silky white fabric cloths, candles and plates adorned the centre, soon to be filled with various snacks and lights.

Luke insisted on hiring the room because he wanted enough space, but there was literally like what, 20 of us total? The place looked like it could hold hundreds, if not THOUSANDS.

Typical Luke.

I felt a tap on my shoulder, seeing Henry holding a garland of white roses. "Where do you want these?" He asked, clearly out of breath. I simply pointed at the middle table nearest the stage, knowing that's the table that everyone would end up sitting at.

It reminded me of a fairytale wedding. Cinderella. I always wanted a fantasy wedding, the large ballroom, the thought of a banquet, and marrying my true love. I had always dreamed of a wedding like that as a child, I spent hours at a time fantasising what I would do, who I would invite and see.

I always made it a point to tell Luke about it when we discussed the wedding, he seemed to make mental notes of everything I would tell him I wanted. And there we were, a makeshift fairytale castle.

To this day I don't think I ever cried as much as I did right then than I have up til' today, but Hailey comforting me and my true love waiting,

I would trade my life to see that day again.

1014 Words.

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