n i n e 🕸️

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A/N: AUHuHhh, im so sorry that I literally disappeared into thin air for like a century, i had personal problems and couldn't bring myself to write anything.

Jisung was trapped.

Trapped in the endless void of his thoughts, trying to reach out, to grasp any broken memory he could find.

But he always came back with same thread of moments, never anything new.

The boy was dimly aware that he was conscious, but refused to open his eyes and surrender himself to reality.

But what was reality for him?

The past few hours had proved that what he had assumed was all wrong, that he could of had a new start, a new life, letting go of the grudges and grief that he had so tightly clung onto before.

He was done with everything that had happened, but it was far from done with him.

So much happened during his capture, he could hardly recall a thing.

But what puzzled him most, was Lee k- Minho.

The squirrel-like boy tried to think, but it just made his head hurt.

"I know you're awake, child." A rough voice, laced with humor, shook him back to his senses, and his eyes slowly opened.

A man, around twice the age as himself, dark hair and stubble on his chin and a surprisingly friendly smile.

Jisung was immediately suspicious but he knew he was better off not questioning his captor.

He realized that he was completely unbound, but his limbs were too heavy to move.

"What's your name?"

"You know very well what my name is." The words that he heard himself say were somehow a lot steadier than he had expected.

A ripple of smooth laughter ran through the older man, " Well, my name is Jayson."

" I am your father." He added, a second later, as if on second thought.

A boulder of disbelief struck into Jisung, knocking the air out from his chest and trapping the words is his throat.

But then he realized that he already had a dad, and that this man must be playing some kind of hilarious joke on him.

"N-no you're not, you're j-joking, aren't you?" The boy exclaimed, denial written all over his face.

"I'm sorry to say I am not joking." Jayson suddenly turned solemn.

" I am not here to hurt you."


"I am here to tell you the truth, the real truth."

Jisung scoffed internally from that.

"All i need you to do, is to trust me, son, please." The man looked at him, waiting for his answer.

He said son, not as if he was speaking to his child, but like what a football coach would call his favorite player.

Jisung had a feeling about him, that he wasn't a liar, but couldn't be trusted.

Despite this feeling, the boy was desperate for answers, like anyone would, being left in the dark unknowingly for their whole life.

Thus, he had to know.

He needed to know, or the story will never go on right?


Some things are better left in the dark.

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