Chapter 13

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October 26, 2018

The night is still young- Nicki Minaj

Back to back- Drake

Walk it talk it- Migos, Drake

Tongue tied- Grouplove

Friday finally came around and people were starting to get excited for the game. I brought you coffee after seeing how slumped you were the entire week. I would rather have a crackhead Theo than a moping one. Zeph had gone off to find Nicole as I waited by the D doors for you to come in. As expected, you looked very slumped and sluggish. I handed you the coffee as we headed to your locker.

"Mom told me to tell you to get some sleep so you don't fall asleep in class." I said as you shuffled through your stuff.

"I'll catch up on sleep during the first two hours because I finished my reflection paper." You softly grinned as you held up the papers.

We made our way to APES as you enjoyed the coffee. It seemed to have woken you up quite a bit as we greeted Zeph and Nicole. Nicole was running around frantically because she didn't have her project printed and the class computers weren't loading. She kept pressing the power up button on the computers like it really does anything. Zeph ended up pointing out that she was gonna go to the library again anyway so she could just print it when she got there. When she realized that, she calmed down a bit as you turned both papers in. She freaked a little more when she saw you turn in two instead of one until you told her that you finished the reflection too. She calmed down again and just started talking about some girl that was screaming in one of her classes a few days ago. The warning bell eventually rang so Zeph and I made our way to our class. Of course the usual routine for Campbell happened. By the time the class made it to the library, you were already sitting at the table in the far left corner with Kristy, Jalerean, and Kiki. I said hey to everyone and set my stuff down before going to find a chair. The library was packed with three classes so finding an empty chair ws gonna be a hard task.

I stood at our table looking around to find an empty chair to steal to no avail. You eventually just pulled me to sit on your lap. You were smooth with it too. As you pulled me onto your lap, you pretended you didn't do it and just kept talking to Kristy and Jalerean.

"Nah, that was too smooth. You can't just ignore how smooth that was." Kiki hyped as I wrapped one arm over your shoulder.

"Lemme squish him for entertainment real quick." I laughed as I just laid back covering your face with my back as you groaned.

"You're supposed to catch z's, not socialize."
"I know." You replied as you snuggled yourself into my back.

Some time later, I got out of your lap and sat in the chair Kiki had previously occupied as she left the library and to her actual class. I moved the chair closer to you so I wouldn't have to sit close to Jalerean. You and Kristy kept your conversation going and basically left him out of it. I sent my many snapchat streaks and continued to just surf only my phone as you two talked about the game. Throughout that time, Jalerean sat there in silence and just stared at me. At first, I thought I was just being paranoid and thought he was just zoning out. That was until I heard a camera clicking sound. It was pretty loud and everyone at the table heard it and looked at where the sound came from.

"What are you taking pictures of?" Kristy asked as he peered over to Jalerean's phone.

"Dude, why are you taking a pic of Athena?"

"It's for my streaks, yeah." He lied very badly.

"Please, never do that again and delete the pic, thank you." I awkwardly smiled as he nodded his head.

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