Chapter 42

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May 31, 2019

Falling like the stars- James Arthur

Nothing- Bruno Major

There were only two more weeks of school left. I would finally be free from all the school work and the school day curfew. Once I had dropped the kids off at home, you came over to pick me up to go out.

"So what are we doing today?" I asked as I got into your car.

"I was thinking, dinner and then arcade since the fairs aren't open just yet."

"Or Dave and Busters to kill two birds with one stone." I suggested as you pulled out of my driveway.

"You're a smart cookie."

I laughed at your comment as we made our way to Dave and Busters. When we arrived, you went and got the coin card or whatever they're called. I thought you'd get just one and we could just share, but you came back with two.

"To combine more tickets for bigger prizes." you smiled as you handed me the card before holding my hand and pulling me toward a bunch of the arcade games.

We would sometimes split up as we looked for games to play and I'd lose where you were. It would become a game of trying to spot you and not get distracted by a game as I walked around, finding you. I, eventually, found you at the basketball game.

"Always an athlete." I laughed as I stood next to you.

"Easy tickets."

Of course it'd be easy tickets, you played basketball for years. We took a break after your basketball game ended and went to sit down in a booth for some food. You, of course, paid for it as you took my hand so I couldn't reach for my wallet. I will one day defeat you again and pay for dinner. Once it was all paid for, we continued to play some more games. This time you moved on from sport games to the claw machines. I watched you repeatedly try to get a small pink frog stuffed animal from the claw machine. You kept on failing as I watched, but you eventually got it.

"Haha! Gotcha." you cheered as the claw drops the pink frog down the shoot.

"For you."

I thanked you and smiled as you handed it to me. I can't lie and say the pink frog was cute because it wasn't. It looked like it was built to be some other animal or character and they just put a frog head on it. I trailed along with you as you moved from one game to another since I didn't feel like wandering around and then trying to find you again. We continued to play all the games and once we ran out of credit, we made our way to the prize section.

"What are you gonna get?" I asked as we looked around at all the prizes that we could get.

You shrugged as we continued to look at the prizes. You ended up getting a cup and a head scratcher while I got candy and just saved the rest of the tickets.

"Where to now, Rooster?"

"Home, because then we can watch a movie and stargaze in the backyard." you answered as we got into the car.

Once we got to your house and got out of the car, I noticed that the driveway was empty and no lights were on. Before I could ask you where everyone was, you told me that your parents went out with some friends and so did your brothers.

"You kicked them all out, didn't you?"

"Yup." you proudly nodded as we walked out to your backyard.

Once I saw the little fairy lights hanging from the round daybeds shade cover, I realized you had planned it all already. It was basically a second date. I settled down on the daybed as you went to grab your computer and snacks.

"Alright. What movie?" you say as you hand me the laptop and place the snacks and water bottles down on one side of the daybed.

"Can we watch 'Love, Rosie'?"

"That's gonna make you cry. Next." you rejected.

"How about 'Doctor Strange'?"

You nodded at that suggestion and laid down next to me. I handed you back the laptop for you to look for 'Doctor Strange'. Once everything was loaded, we settled down and watched the movie in silence. As the movie progressed, you moved closer and closer to me. You seemed to be hesitant to cuddle closer to me like I was made of glass, so I made the move for it. I cuddled closer, laying my head on your chest as we continued to watch the movie. I could feel you smile at my action without looking at you as you wrapped your arm closer around me.

"Stephen never stopped loving her." I quietly said as the movie came to an end.

"Maybe in another universe they'll be together."

"He deserves to be happy too. He's been through so much."

"Okay. Enough of the sad Stephan Strange talk." you say as you get up and put the daybed shade down.

I chuckled as you laid back down next to me as we both looked at the stars. I started pointing at random ones as you started to point and draw shapes, connecting the stars.

"That one's shining the brightest. Isn't it such a pretty view?"

"The prettiest and brightest." you say as I feel your stare.

"You're such a cheeseball." I laughed as I pushed you slightly.

"Only for you."

You pulled me closer as we continued to look at the stars and talk about anything and everything.

"That's our star." you say as you say as you point at the brightest one I pointed at before.

"And that's yours." you point at the star on the right of our star.

"And that's mine." you state pointing at the one of the left of our star.

I smiled and gave you a kiss.

"Mhmm.. those balls of gas better keep shining, so I can kiss you forever."

I laughed at your comment, breaking the kiss. You pulled in for another as you mumbled that they were still shining and smiled as you kissed me. We laid in a comfortable silence as we continued to look up at the night sky before you drove me home.

"It'll be us forever and always." I say before getting out of the car.

"And our stars will shine the brightest forever and always with us." you say back with your goofy grin.

"See you later alligator."

"See you in a while crocodile." I waved as I went inside.

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