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I get so lost inside your eyes

"Buck, I'll be okay," Eleanor reassured him for the tenth time. "Seriously, I got it. Go to work."

"Okay, okay. Just, if you need anything ca-" he stopped himself, remembering she didn't have a phone. "I'll have Maddie stop in."

"You don't need to do that. Don't change your lives around just for me. I'll be okay, I'm used to being home alone."

Buck stared at her for a long moment. "Okay. I'm coming straight home after my shift though because I want to." Eleanor smiled and shook her head at the man. He paused in front of her, not sure how to say bye to her. He gave her a smile and walked out the door. This was going to be a little awkward until they fully got comfortable. 

Eleanor looked around the apartment, it was true that she was used to being alone for long periods of time but this was a new environment for her. Buck's hours were longer than Michael's were. Buck had told her to make herself comfortable and at home here. She wasn't sure how to do that, she was so used to one place and even there she was never completely comfortable. She always felt like she was stepping on eggshells around Michael. 

That was a difference she had noticed immediately. Buck hovered, always making sure she was okay and comfortable. Even Eddie had welcomed her quickly. He didn't make her feel like a stranger even though she was. When she was around Michael's friends who she'd known for years, she always felt out of place. Eddie was nice and they bonded quickly. 

Eleanor grabbed a bottle of water out of the fridge before heading to the living room. She grabbed the remote and flipped through the channels. She finally settled on a random comedy show. She half paid attention to the show, her mind kept wandering to thoughts of Buck and the occasional thought of Michael. 

She hated Michael, she had started hating him a long time ago. She hated that he was still on her mind but she knew he'd be there for a while, at least until Athena or another officer found him. She was scared, not knowing where he was or what he was up to. What he was planning, she knew it wasn't going to be this easy to get away. Eleanor wanted to tell Buck, she almost had but she didn't want him to change his life around for her and she knew he would. 

She wanted so badly to talk to Maddie, to talk to someone who understood. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if Buck did ask Maddie to stop by. She kind of hoped he'd ignore her request and ask Maddie. 


After a couple hours of watching TV and napping on and off Eleanor decided to tinker around the apartment. She still had about six hours until Buck got off work since he typically works ten-hour shifts. She opened the fridge and looked around. It was clear that Buck was single and was typically by himself. The contents of the fridge included milk, water, leftovers, cheese, and lunch meat. The freezer was similar as it contained mostly frozen dinners. There wasn't much in the cabinets either aside from bread and peanut butter.

Eleanor tossed the leftovers which were definitely no good, she checked the milk which was also no good. She needed to have a serious conversation with Buck when he got home. She was rearranging the plates and cups when she heard the door open and close. 

Black And Blue-E.Buckley (9-1-1)Where stories live. Discover now