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I'm lucky every other lover got away

I'm lucky that my heart was always hard to break

I'm lucky when you came around I had a chance to take

*Two Weeks Later*

Eleanor reached up and knocked on the door before taking a step back and waiting for the door to be answered. It didn't take long for the door to swing out and reveal Chim. 

"Hey, what're you doing here?" Chim smiled as he moved aside to let her in. 

"I just wanted to stop in and check on you, see how you were doing."

"That's sweet, I'm doing pretty good. Did Maddie put you up to this?"

"No, maybe. And are you sure you're okay?" Eleanor looked around the living room at all the piles of clothes.

"I'm just.. cleaning."

"Your entire closet?" Chim nodded. "Well.. I also come bearing food. I made lunch for Buck and kind of tripled the recipe."

"Oh, yum. This is amazing actually because I've pretty much been living on TV dinners."

"Why didn't you say anything?"

"I wouldn't wanna bother you guys."

"Chim, I don't mind, really. If you need something, anything, just ask," Eleanor smiled.

"I can see why Buck and Maddie like you so much." The two shared a smile.

Eleanor was just about to say something else when they heard the TV. "What did that say?" Chim grabbed the remote and turned it up.

"We're learning that Metro L. A.'s 911 system has been hit with a system-wide outage. We're gonna be posting alternative numbers. We'll put them on the screen here for you and on our website." Eleanor and Chim shared a worried look. 

"They're gonna have a busy day.." 

"This is a live picture from News Copter Eight. We're over Dohery Park there, and it's been hit by multiple explosions. Now, we're not sure what's causing these explosions and we're still waiting for the first responders to arrive at the scene.." Eleanor opened her phone and dialed Buck's number as the TV continued in the background. 

"Hey," Buck's voice flowed through the phone. Chim was beside her as soon as he answered.

"Yeah, Buck. Where are you guys?"

"Chim? Why do you have El's phone?" There was slight panic in his voice.

"I don't, never mind that right now. Get over to Dohery Park, man. The whole damn neighborhood's on fire. Looks like it's a gas main break."

"You heard it over the scanner?"

"No, we're watching it on the news right now," Eleanor chimed in. 

"Nobody's over there, Buck. Not a single unit." They could hear Buck telling Bobby before he hung up the phone. 

Eleanor sat with Chim, watching the news for about ten more minutes. "I gotta get to work but keep me posted on this, let me know how they make out. And seriously Chim, if you need anything, call." 

"Yes ma'am," Chim gave her a smile.


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