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Gotta learn to let the small things go

And know it's always far from perfect

And I know that we can get emotional

But the hardest parts are always worth it

"Hey, I'm gonna go take a shower. Do you need anything before I go?" 

Buck looked up from the TV for a brief moment before shaking his head and looking back at the TV. Eleanor sighed and walked away. He was really touchy today. Eleanor prepared everything for her shower before stripping and getting in. She let the hot water run over her as she stared at the wall, lost in thought. Buck had been quite difficult the past few days. She knew his anger wasn't toward her, he was just getting restless being away from work for so long. Some days it was hard to remember that though when he was constantly snipping at her. Most times she just brushed it off and walked away. Relationships aren't perfect, they're hard sometimes but when you really love the person, you push through it.

Eleanor's thoughts were interrupted by loud crashing noises in the kitchen. She quickly turned off the water and grabbed a towel to dry off. She threw on her robe before heading to the kitchen to see what was going on. When Eleanor rounded the corner she saw Buck sitting on the floor, leaning against the counter, his crutches on the other side of the kitchen, and bowls all over the floor.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Eleanor rushed over. 

"I'm fine," Buck snipped.

"Are you sure? I asked if you needed any-" she was cut off by Buck snapping at her again.

"Yeah, well, I got it. I don't need to be coddled. I can do things on my own." He pushed her away slightly. 

Eleanor looked at him, hurt clear in her eyes. "I was just trying to help.."

Buck didn't say anything, just stared off into the distance as if he were waiting for her to leave. Eleanor got the hint. She got up and walked back to the bathroom. She finished drying off and dried her hair before getting dressed. After putting everything in the laundry she grabbed her purse and keys and headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" Buck asked, still on the floor.



Eleanor drove for a while with no real destination before she finally ended up in front of Eddie's house. She sighed as she grabbed her purse and walked up to the door. She knocked and then waited. Carla answered the door with a cheery smile.

"Come in," she moved so that Eleanor could walk into the house. "How're you doing?" 

"Well.." she sighed.

"That bad? I get it, everyone needs a break. Eddie's in the kitchen."

"Thank you," Eleanor gave her a smile.

"It'll get better." Carla patted her arm reassuringly.

Eleanor walked to the kitchen where Eddie was preparing dinner. She walked over and leaned against the counter next to him. Eddie turned to look at her.

"Hey, I didn't even hear you come in. Is Buck here too?" Eleanor shook her head. "Needed a break?" She nodded. "He can be difficult sometimes. I can't imagine how he is right now, being stuck in the house."

"Let's just say, right now, I'm wishing I didn't take the week off of work." Eddie half smiled. "I love him dearly but I wanna put a pillow over his face right now."

"What'd he do?"

"He's just so snippy and grumpy. I understand that he's tired of being home, he wants to go back to work and I get that he's tired of doctors and tests. I get it but it seems like every time I try to help he snaps at me. I just wanna help him."

"He's not used to being taken care of like that. I know it's no excuse."

"Today I asked if he needed anything before I got in the shower and he said no. So I went and got in the shower, halfway through I heard a bunch of noise in the kitchen so I got out to check on him. When I went into the kitchen he was on the floor."

"Did he fall?"

"I don't know and I didn't get much out of him because he snapped at me again and physically pushed me away this time." The muscle in Eddie's jaw tightened at the mention of Buck putting his hands on Eleanor. "He told me he didn't need to be coddled." Eddie just shook his head. "I don't think I even washed all the shampoo out of my hair."

"Well, you look great so I'd say it doesn't really matter," Eddie smiled.

"I highly doubt that." Eleanor sighed again, "I have this really strong urge to go back and check on him but at the same time I don't wanna go back either."

"Wouldn't wanna coddle him too much," Eddie joked. Eleanor smiled at him. 

"Maybe I can get Maddie to help out today. Do you mind if I hang out with you and Christopher?"

"Not at all and I'm sure Christopher would love that."

"Where is he anyway?"

"Carla was picking him up from a friend's house." 

Not long after Christopher arrived home. He and Eleanor sat in the living room and played with legos for a while before switching to watching TV. Eddie peaked in a few times to check on them while he was making dinner. 

"Dinner's done!" Eddie called, no answer. "Chris! El!" Still nothing. 

Eddie walked toward the living room. When he rounded the corner out of the kitchen he saw Eleanor and Christopher both asleep on the couch. Christopher leaned against Eleanor's arm. Eddie smiled to himself, he didn't wanna bother them.


The apartment was quiet when Eleanor arrived home. The mess from earlier was cleaned up and most of the lights were off. She set her purse and keys down on the table. 

"Hey," she heard Buck say from the living room.


"I'm really sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that." Eleanor just nodded, she didn't have much to say. "I know you're probably mad so it's fine if you don't wanna talk. I just wanted you to know that I'm sorry and I really do appreciate everything you do for me. I shouldn't have snapped and I really shouldn't have pushed you away."

"It's fine, I get it."

"No, it's not fine. I don't wanna be like Michael, I never meant to treat you like that." A tear slipped down Eleanor's face. Buck got up from the couch and hopped over to her. He pulled her in for a hug. "I'm so sorry. I love you." 

"I love you too."

A/N: Season three next! Who else is nervous? :/

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