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Without you I'd be lost

"Go sit, you're supposed to be resting," Eleanor playfully swatted at Buck.

"That's not what you were saying last night."

"Evan Buckley," Buck laughed at her attempt to be scary and strict. Eleanor didn't have a mean bone in her entire body. "Go sit."

Buck did as told though and sat at the table. Eleanor brought him a cup of coffee. She was flipping the pancakes and plating some bacon when someone knocked on the door. Buck looked at her questioningly, Eleanor just shrugged. She knew exactly who it was but she wasn't going to tell Buck. 

"Hey Buck," Christopher hugged Buck as he walked in.

"Good morning Buck," Eddie walked past him into the apartment. 

"Hey-hey buddy," Buck looked around at them, confused. 

Eddie walked in and set Christopher's stuff on the table. "Good morning El."

"Morning Eddie," she waved with the spatula in her hand.

"There's a morning snack and midday snack, two coloring books, and a bunch of legos," Eddie just started rattling off a bunch of stuff. Not giving Buck any time to object. "Between us, he's never built anything that kinda looks like anything. He just likes sticking things together. There's twenty for pizza."

"Eddie-" Buck tried to interject but Eddie just kept talking. Eleanor continued cooking as she watched the scene in front of her. Christopher was peaceful in the living room, just doing his own thing.

"I will say honestly, you being laid up is working out for me. I mean you're no abuela and you're half a Carla but you'll do in a pinch."

"You want me to watch Christopher?"

"It's easy. He's not very fast," Eddie looked at Eleanor with an amused smile which she returned.

"After everything that happened?"

"A natural disaster happened Buck."

"I lost him, Eddie."

"No, you saved him. That's how he remembers it. And now it's his turn to do the same for you," Eleanor smiled as she looked past the two men and into the living room. Christopher sat on the coffee table, so peaceful. You'd never know by looking at him that he'd just been through so much trauma. He was still such a happy child.

"I was- I was supposed to look out for him," Buck started to tear up.

"And what, you think you failed? I failed that kid more times than I care to count and I'm his father. But I love him enough to never stop trying and I know you do too. Buck, there's nobody in this world I trust with my son more than you," Buck smiled with teary eyes. "Except probably Eleanor," Eddie tried to lighten the mood. They all shared a laugh.

Buck stood in silence, not knowing what to say as Eddie went to say bye to Christopher. Eleanor poured coffee into a to-go cup. Eddie walked to the kitchen, stole a few pieces of bacon and a pancake, and grabbed the cup from Eleanor. He kissed her on the cheek and thanked her before heading to the door. 

"And Buck," Buck turned to face him. "Thank you for not giving up."

Buck smiled again before turning to Eleanor. "You knew about this."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Eleanor tried to play it off as she walked to the living room, plate in hand. "Here you go buddy, your favorite." She set the plate down next to Christopher. It was pancakes with whipped cream in the shape of a face and a strawberry bowtie with blueberry eyes and chocolate chip fangs. He was very specific. 

"Awesome! Thank you, El," he smiled up at her with his goofy grin.


Eleanor was in bed, laptop on her lap when Buck came upstairs. "Just wanted to let you know that we're heading out."

"Okay, be safe, have fun." Buck leaned down and pressed a long, loving kiss to her lips.

"I'll text you when we're on our way back." He kissed her once more before heading back downstairs. "Ready Christopher?"

Christopher joined Buck at the door a moment later, "Ready." He smiled up at Buck.

The car ride was fairly quick since they lived locally to most things. Christopher played with his legos as Buck drove the whole way. Every few minutes he'd ask if they were there yet. Buck was beginning to think Christopher was more excited than he was. Ever since Buck had told him what they were doing Christopher was bouncing off the walls. 

"Are we there yet?"

"Yes, yes we are." Buck got out and then helped Christopher. Buck carried him through the parking lot, only letting him walk on his own when they reached the building. They walked through the mall for a few minutes before finally finding the store they were searching for.

"What can I help you gentlemen with today?" A nice, bubbly old lady asked from behind the counter.

"We need a ring, a big one!" Christopher answered.

Buck and the lady laughed. "Not super big."

"What did you have in mind, dear?"

"Something decent size, she's a nurse, and she uses her hands a lot so not huge. Uh.. something fancy but not too fancy. Something with a little bit of color. I'm not really sure, I've never done this before and I want it to be perfect."

"Tell me a little about her."

"She's really nice and she's pretty," Christopher chimed in.

"Well, aren't you just the sweetest thing?"

"She works with her hands a lot, she likes to cook and bake. I don't know if that helps you."

"I don't mean to sound weird but is she pale, fair skin?" Buck nodded. The lady made a few notes on her notepad. "Favorite color?"

"Any shade of blue or forest green." The lady nodded and made a few more notes. She walked away for a moment before returning with a tray. Buck's eyes grew as she set the tray down. There were about twenty different rings.

"Wow," Christopher stared wide-eyed at the tray.

"How does anyone choose?"

"Some say that they speak to you. They say the ring will tell you."

The boys sat in awe, just staring for a few moments. "I like that one," Christopher pointed to one in the middle of the tray. 

"Can I?" Buck gestured to the rings. 

"Of course."

Buck picked up the one Christopher had pointed at. He twirled it around in his fingers, inspecting every inch. There was a good-sized, forest-green oval diamond in the middle. On each side were three smaller, teardrop-shaped diamonds that resembled a leaf pattern. They all sat atop a thin silver band.

"I think this is it.." Buck smiled at Christopher who smiled back at him.

Black And Blue-E.Buckley (9-1-1)Where stories live. Discover now