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You don't wanna give nobody the power

That's when it gets in the cut

And that's when it stitches you up

Eleanor was just finishing up breakfast when there was a knock on the door. She turned off the stove before heading over to answer the door. Eddie and a very smiley Christopher stood on the other side. Eleanor smiled at them as she moved aside to let them in the apartment.

"Good morning."

"Morning," Christopher smiled up at her.

"Are you sure this is okay? I don't wanna-"

"Eddie!" Eleanor cut him off. "It's okay, I can handle one kid and I could use the company. We'll be okay." Eddie just nodded. Christopher had retreated to the living room and stationed himself in front of the TV. 

"Here's his bag, it's got a bunch of stuff in it. And I put some money in the zipper part in case you guys wanna go out and do something or order something." Eddie set his bag on the chair.

"You are so cute when it comes to Chris, I love it," Eleanor placed a hand over her heart and puckered her lip slightly. Eddie laughed at her reaction. 

"Hey," Buck finally joined them downstairs. Eleanor went back over to the counter and gathered the breakfast she had prepared for the guys. She handed Buck his bag and coffee, he kissed her lips before going to grab his work bag. She handed Eddie a bag and some coffee as well.

"Thank you," he leaned in and kissed her cheek before joining Buck at the door.

"Have a good day boys, be careful!" she called after them. "Hey Chris, are you hungry?"

"Yeah!" he yelled, still in the same spot. Eleanor smiled to herself as she made a plate for Christopher and herself. She could get used to a routine like this..

"What're you watching?" she asked as she set his plate on the table beside him. 


"Ah, your dad's old school huh? Got you watching the good cartoons." Christopher just nodded as he ate a piece of bacon. "So, what should we do today?"


"You wanna make cookies?"

"Yes. And video games."

"I don't know how well that one will go but I will try. Deal?"

"Deal," Christopher smiled before going back to the food on his plate. 

After finishing breakfast Eleanor cleaned up a little bit and then decided to take a shot at the video games that Christopher wanted to play. It was no surprise when Christopher beat her at every game including Mario Kart. After being severely beaten virtually Eleanor let Christopher play some more on his own while she tinkered on her laptop. She had been staring at the nursing application for about a week now. This was something that she always wanted to do but she was afraid she'd fail. 

Though after today, watching Christopher do anything and everything he set his mind to, she knew she needed to do this. She had learned something from him. Sometimes you just have to do it, even if you fail, get back up and try again harder. 


Eleanor promised to make cookies after lunch so of course Christopher rushed through lunch. He helped her cook mac and cheese, mostly just stirring the pot and occasionally adding in ingredients. Eleanor was still eating when he rushed into the kitchen and began grabbing out the ingredients needed for cookies. Maybe she should watch him more often, maybe his energy would rub off on her or she'd be on a sugar high. 

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