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I should have started running

a long, long time ago

Things have been going well between Eleanor and Michael for a little over a week. Not great but better than usual. He's been helping her cook breakfast and dinner. Having actual conversations with her, asking about her day. He's helped her do things around the house instead of just sitting there watching her do everything. They went out and had a meal in public which, aside from dinners with his boss, they have not done in years. He even let her pick where they went. Eleanor, although she was happy to have some normalcy, was just holding her breath. The nice act never lasted long with Michael and it was just a matter of time until he was adding new bruises to her freshly healed skin.

It was a normal Sunday afternoon. Eleanor had made her weekly grocery trip and was now at home putting everything away. Michael had offered to help though Eleanor could see that he didn't actually want to. She told him it was fine, that she could handle it and he gladly made his way to the living room to watch the game. After Eleanor was finished she decided to make some finger foods for lunch. She threw some things in the oven before making her classic game-day dip. She knew Michael loved it and was trying to keep the peace for as long as possible.

She leaned against the counter, staring off into space while she waited for the food to be done. A few moments later the oven timer dinged and snapped her out of her daze. She turned off the oven, grabbed a platter, and transferred everything from the pans to the platter. Just as she was about to bring the platter to the living room she heard sirens heading toward the house. Eleanor peered out of the window but couldn't see much so she decided to inspect from outside. When she walked out the front door she noticed a huge smoke cloud near the neighbor's house. She walked to the driveway to get a better look, she wanted to make sure they were okay.

The neighbor noticed her and walked her way. "Are you guys okay?" Eleanor asked.

"We're fine, thank you. A small mishap in the kitchen. Guess I finally get that new backslash." Mary, the neighbor, joked.

"Well I'm glad you and your wife are okay," Eleanor patted her shoulder. She got along with her neighbors, though their encounters were always short because of Michael. They were nice people, Michael doesn't believe in same-sex couples so he always avoided them. 

Mary's wife, Kayla, joined them soon after. As they stood and chatted Eleanor noticed a very attractive firefighter who had also taken an interest in her. They shared glances from across the lawn. "Somebody's got an admirer," Kayla whispered as she nudged Eleanor's arm, Eleanor just blushed.

Suddenly she felt a strong hand on her arm that yanked her back slightly. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" Michael growled in her ear. He was so close she could feel his breath on her face.

"I was just checking on the neighbors." Mary and Kayla stood to the side and minded their own business. They knew what went on, they had been the ones to make most of the 911 calls but there was nothing else they could do. 

"You think you can just do whatever you want?" 

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to make sure they were okay."

"You need to just stay inside and mind your own damn business. Leave these people alone." Michael talked in a hushed voice so that nobody else could hear. He tightened his grip on her arm, the pain visible on her face.

"Is there a problem over here?" An unfamiliar voice approached them.

"Excuse me?" Eleanor turned and saw the cute firefighter approaching them. Michael never let go of her arm.

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