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She's talking to angels, counting the stars

Making a wish on a passing car

She's dancing with strangers, falling apart

Waiting for Superman to pick her up

In his arms, yeah, in his arms, yeah

The house was unusually quiet the next morning when Eleanor awoke. She looked around the room as she slowly got out of bed. She crept through the house, she didn't know where Michael was nor was she ready to face him. Who knew what kind of mood he'd be in today. It was eerily quiet as she continued to walk through the house, nobody in sight. Michael must have left for work already. 

Eleanor walked back to the kitchen and decided to make some breakfast. After eating a bowl of cereal Eleanor decided to pick up the house a little, not that there was much to clean. Michael was hardly home to make a mess, there were no children here, and Eleanor just moped around the house most days. There was minimal laundry, Michael brought his suits to the dry cleaners. 

Sometimes Eleanor wished she was a normal wife. She wished she could sit at the park and read a book, have lunch with some friends, or even shop like a normal person. Eleanor didn't have friends anymore, Michael had pushed them all away. She didn't have many to begin with but when she moved in with Michael they all disappeared. They didn't like him and tried to tell Eleanor something was wrong about him but she didn't listen. She'd give anything to go back and listen to their warnings. Even just one friend would make her days so much less lonely.

Eleanor was snapped out of her thoughts when her phone dinged on the counter. She finished the dishes that she was doing and went to check her phone. It was a text from Michael, giving her permission to go to the store with a list attached. This was unusual, Michael never let her leave the house while he wasn't home. Maybe it was a test to see how she'd act after the officer's visit last night. 

Nonetheless, Eleanor headed back to her bedroom to get dressed. She'd be in trouble if Michael got home and what he asked for wasn't done. She threw on some jeans and a long-sleeved shirt to cover the new bruises from last night. Normally she'd layer some make-up but she didn't have the energy today. She'd just play it off like she did last night. She'd insist that was what happened whether people believed it or not. 

Eleanor grabbed her keys off the hook by the door and walked to her car. She noticed an unfamiliar car down the street, it looked like someone was sitting inside just watching. She thought it was odd but decided to just ignore it. It was a short drive to the store but today she decided to take the long way, she was just happy to be out of the house. With Michael at work, there would be nobody to watch the clock and time how long it took her.

Eleanor pulled into a parking space, grabbed her bags out of the trunk, and headed into the store. She grabbed a cart and started her shopping. As she made her way through the store, checking off items on the list, she noticed a lady who seemed to be following her. Every time Eleanor saw her she was empty handed but she seemed to always be in the same aisle. Though she picked things up and looked at them, she never took anything. Eleanor made eye contact for a moment before getting nervous and walking away. Was Michael having her followed now?

"Excuse me," the woman appeared about three feet away from Eleanor.

"Are you following me?" Eleanor was blunt.

"I'm sorry, I know this is gonna be really weird."

"You think?"

"I'm Maddie, I'm a 911 dispatcher. I took your call the other day and-"

Eleanor cut her off. "Did you send that officer?" Maddie nodded shyly. "Why?"

"I think you're in trouble but you're too scared to say anything."

"Are you crazy?"

"Look, I've been in your shoes. I know what it's like. I just want to help."

"You could've gotten me killed, you know," Eleanor whispered.

"I'm sorry. I really just want to help you."

"There's nothing you can do."

"I thought the same thing but you can get out, you can do it. I'm living proof."

"Yeah, well, not everyone is that lucky." Eleanor snapped and started to turn away but Maddie grabbed her arm.

"At least take my number, please." Maddie pleaded, tears brimming her eyes.

Eleanor looked at her, then at her outstretched hand, and back to her teary eyes before finally taking the piece of paper. She put it in her purse and walked away to continue her shopping. Maddie stood in the middle of the aisle, tears threatening to spill. All she wanted to do was help this woman. 


Michael was pulling into the driveway at the same time as Eleanor, he was home an hour early. They both parked and got out of their cars.

"Have a good day?" Eleanor smiled.

"Great, actually. How was yours? Let me help you." Eleanor was confused for a moment. He never offered to help with groceries or asked how her day was.

"My day was fine," Eleanor answered as she grabbed a couple of bags. Michael grabbed the remaining bags and followed Eleanor to the door. They set the bags down in the kitchen. Eleanor was pulling things out of the bags and setting them on the counter when she felt arms wrap around her waist. Michael nuzzled his face into the crook of her neck. Kissing her shoulder lightly.

"The groceries can wait," Michael whispered. He spun her around and slammed his lips against hers. She pulled away slightly, not wanting to do this. As he continued she stopped fighting, knowing that if she fought back it would all be so much worse. She had learned that a long time ago. Michael pulled away, grabbed Eleanor's hand, and pulled her toward their bedroom. He pushed her down onto the bed, hovering over her as he started to kiss her again. 

He pulled at her shirt, almost ripping it off of her. Then he moved to her jeans. Roughly unbuttoning them and yanking them down her legs. A few tears slipped from Eleanor's eyes as he continued his assault on her body..

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