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It finds you all alone when you're unassembled 

Yeah, when you're in pieces and you feel like you're drowning

Eleanor was just finishing breakfast when Buck walked out of the bathroom. She transferred the eggs, bacon, and pancakes over to two plates and grabbed the bowl of fruit before heading to the table with everything. 

"Hey, I thought you worked today?"

"Nope, I took the day off."

"Is everything okay?" 

"Kinda. I actually need to talk to you.." Buck sat down and waited for her to continue. "Michael called me."

"What? When? What did he say?"

"On Thanksgiving while you were at the store. I was gonna tell you that day but I didn't wanna ruin your holiday. I'm sorry."

"That's why you called and were worried. What did he say?"

Eleanor paused for a moment, trying to hold back her tears. "He knows I'm with you Buck. He knows where I am. I'm sorry.."

"It's not your fault. He's crazy. We should probably call Athena."

"I don't even know how he got my number. What else does he know? Am I safe?" The tears rolled down her cheeks.

Buck pulled her to him, embracing her tightly. "You're safe here, I won't let him hurt you again." He rubbed her back softly as he cradled her. She sobbed into his shoulder. 

"I'm not worried about me, I don't want him to hurt you. Buck, I would hate myself if something happened to you." 

"Well, then we can worry about each other." Eleanor smiled slightly at him. "I'm gonna call Athena, maybe she can track the number and find him."

Eleanor nodded and handed Buck her phone. He turned but before he could walk away she spoke again. "Buck.." he turned back to face her. "Thank you." Eleanor sat at the table, picking at her plate as she waited for Buck to finish his call. 

Buck walked back over to the table with a smile plastered on his face. "Good news, she got a location off the number and she's heading over now."

"Oh my god.."

"She said she'll let us know how it goes."

"Thank you." Buck just gave her a smile before digging into his plate. 

"Are these from scratch?" Eleanor nodded. "Amazing." She smiled at him. A small weight had been lifted off her shoulders. She wouldn't be completely relieved until she knew he was behind bars but knowing that Athena was there definitely helped. 

Since they both had the day off they decided to tinker around the apartment and wait for Athena's call. Eleanor washed the dishes while Buck dried them and put them away. After cleaning up they headed to the living room to watch some TV. Though neither one of them could really focus on what was happening on the screen. They both anxiously checked their phones every couple of minutes, willing there to be an update.

"Do you think something happened? It's been a while," Eleanor finally spoke.

"We'll give it another hour. If she doesn't call by then we'll call. Okay?" Eleanor nodded. She could tell Buck was as anxious as she was but he was trying to keep calm for her. They continued to watch whatever random channel Buck had selected. 

Twenty minutes had passed before Buck's phone finally rang. Athena's name flashed across the screen. Buck quickly grabbed it and swiped across the screen to answer. Eleanor scooted closer to him so she could hear the conversation. She was just about in his lap. Buck hit the speaker button.

"Athena, hey. How'd it go?" 

"Buck, Eleanor.. we got him. He's not talking but I'm positive we can get him for everything." 

"That's great news."

"Thank you so much, Athena," Eleanor chimed in over Buck's shoulder.

"It was my pleasure. I found joy in taking down that son of a bitch." Eleanor could picture the smile on Athena's face. She leaned against Buck's shoulder and let out a sigh of relief. Michael was finally where he belonged and she no longer had to live in fear of what would happen if he found her. Buck ended the call and wrapped an arm around her shoulders. She felt so many emotions wrapped in his arms. 

"It's actually over.." Buck nodded. They sat like this for a while, enjoying the happy news and weight that had been lifted off of them.


Buck's eyes slowly fluttered open as he began to wake up. He looked around, gauging his surroundings. Red locks draped over his lap, Eleanor was still asleep in his lap. Buck smiled to himself. She looked so peaceful in her sleep. He hoped now that she didn't have to worry about Michael anymore she'd be more peaceful while she was awake as well. She hid it well but there was always a hint of fear in every expression she made. 

Buck brushed a strand of hair away from her face and tucked it behind her ear. She stirred slightly but stayed asleep. She must really need the sleep Buck thought. He needed to get up but he refused to disturb her. He knew she was tired, he'd woken up countless times and at all hours to the sound of her moving around the apartment. She tried so hard to be quiet and he'd never let her know she'd woken him. That would just lead to a million unnecessary apologies, he didn't mind anyway. Sometimes he thought about getting up and asking if she was okay. 

A few moments passed and finally, Buck decided to try and move her without waking her. He did not want to but he couldn't hold it anymore. He gently lifted the pillow that was between her head and his lap before slowly moving and laying the pillow on the couch. He grabbed the blanket off the back of the couch and draped it over her before heading to the bathroom.

Eleanor was still asleep when Buck exited the bathroom. He walked to the kitchen to get a drink. As he was looking through the fridge there was a knock at the door. He rushed over to get it, not wanting whoever was there to wake Eleanor. 

"Hey," Maddie smiled from the other side. Buck held a finger to his mouth to shush her as she walked into the apartment. She gave him a confused look as she walked past him into the kitchen.

"Eleanor's finally sleeping."

"What do you mean? You sound like you're talking about a baby."

"She hasn't been sleeping much since she got here. Athena told us they finally caught Michael and now she's actually sleeping."

"That's amazing news, I'm happy for her. I'm sure that lifted a huge weight off her shoulders."

"I can see the difference already. She looks so much more peaceful.." Buck peered into the living room where Eleanor snored softly.

Maddie smiled at her brother. "You really like her, don't you?" Buck shrugged and smiled slightly. "You're totally falling for her. I see the way you look at her and how you talk about her. The way you take care of her. Evan Buckley, you are in love.."

"Maybe I am.."

Black And Blue-E.Buckley (9-1-1)Where stories live. Discover now