chapter 4: a would be investigation

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I waited until about 3 am. when i knew everyone would be giving their attractions one last look over before curfew, i made my way to Bonnie Bowl and had my eyes scan the room again, ill admit even i was suprised how fast i was adapting to my new body and abilities as once again i was informed of the fake wall. I looked for a way to move it, but i didn't see any handles or anything. I tried pushing on the wall, but it wasn't. Gonna. Budge. I kept trying until i got an alert that someone was seen on the cameras. I did a check, wasn't anyone i recognised, so i left bonnie Bowl and made a beeline for the last known location of this person, the atrium. I got there and found them messing with the shutter on the main entrance. "My i help you?" I asked, making them jump. "Y-your active...." the woman said. She was wearing an all black formfitting outfit and a gorrilla mask. "Im sorry, but i dont have a choice." She pulled out a fazwrench and looked at me. "If you mean to deactivate me, im afraid i can't let you." I said, watching her carefully setting off my built-in silent alarm. "I dont have long," she said as she rushed at me. I tried to grab her, but she ducked under my arms and jumped on my back, i grabbed her and pulled her off before i was blinded by a bright flash, making me stumble backward. Ince again, i could hear her on my back as i reached for her. She seemed to be keeping herself out of my reach. I heard something on my casing pop open with a loud clatter. "Im sorry," she said. "STEP AWAY FROM THE WOLF!!" Makenzie roared.

Makenzie pov moments earlier

I was doing rounds in the stage area when the silent alarm from amelianna got my attention. If she triggered that something was wrong. I ran as fast as i could to the elevator, but for some reason, the power was down. "Damn it!" I cussed as i forced open the doors and grabbed onto the cords. The elevator was down near the theater at the moment, and i needed to go up i climbed as fast as i could before reaching the elevator doors that led to the atrium, balancing precariously i was able to pry them open in time to see an intruder blind amelianna with a fazcam and waste no time climbing on her and prying open a hatch in the back of her head that held her emergency deactivation module. Drawing my tazer, i ran over. "STEP AWAY FROM THE WOLF!!" I roared. My voice echoed with authority as freddy and the others walked in, assumably headed to their rooms for curfew. "Monty. Roxy. Take amelianna to parts and service." I ordered as i glared the intruder down as she slowly began to climb off the security wolfs back, who was shaking her head, blinking rapidly, i imagine still trying to get vision back. Sure, it usually doesn't take this long, but the first time it happens, an animatronic can be blinded for up to 15 minutes. Monty delicately took amelianna's hand. "i got you. Just follow us." He said gently. "I can't see!" She cried."Where is the intruder?!" Roxy took her other hand. "Mackenzie has her at tazer Point. She's not going anywhere." This seemed to relax amelianna some, knowing that the situation was  under control as they walked her off. "Freddy, chica. Rooms." I said. "You. Come with me, and i will not hesitate to stun you well into next week, so dont try me." glaring the woman down

Amelianna pov

Monty and roxy were leading me to the stage. My vision was still a little more than way too much white. I couldn't see anything. "First time getting flash banged lasts a while," monty said. "Don't worry, if anyone tries anything, they gotta go through us first." roxy growled protectively. "Th-thanks guys." I said i could be crazy or ot could be a system error, but i swear i heard roxy mumble "mess with my sweet alice, the nerve" i heard the double door open and the familiar clanking of our feet on the Parts amd service floor. "Why are we here?" I asked. "That woman forced open a hatch on the back of your head. It looked like she was gonna forcibly deactivate you permanently. Mackenzie just wants to make sure she didn't break the hatch or even have a chance to begin the process, " roxy explained with a calming voice. "How did she even know about that hatch? All of us have out switches very well hidden. Mine is under my Mohawk, and roxys is behind her left eye. But how did she know where yours was? " monty questioned. "She sure seemed surprised i was awake and active," i answered as the white finally began fading. "Actually, i need to ask you guys something....and im not sure you're gonna like it."

Mackenzie pov
I glared at the woman  from outside one of the amelianna security office holding rooms. I was NOT in a state of mind to talk to her yet. She was very close to destroying amelianna. How did she even know where that hatch was?!!! I can think of only 4 people who know where that is. Me, the owner, amelianna herself, and the engineer who built her, whom i know is not a woman. He's a fat guy named Albert. Taking a deep breath, i walk in and slam my fist on the table, knuckles down, and it hurts, but i need to punch something. I was beyond pissed she has no idea how important amelianna is. "How did you know about that hatch." I demand. The woman looked at me. "I have my ways," she answered. Her auburn hair and blue looked at me like a statue. "Dont play coy with me, lady!!" I screamed. "You don't understand, do you?" She asked. "Make me understand," i said, trying to take a page from amelianna's book from earlier today at her attractions opening. "Im afraid that's not possible. Some things are better left undiscovered, it will only lead to more questions, and amelianna can't be allowed to remain active if that is to remain possible." I narrow my eyes "your making absolutely no god damn sense." She just stared straight, obviously not going to say anything more. So i sighed and called the police informing them where to find her as i locked her in. She can't get out on her own. The doors lock from the outside and are made with 9-inch thick steel. Just opening the doors requires a hydraulic hinge that runs from amelianna's security office, and only her and I can turn it off with a finger scan in my case.

Amelianna pov

Monty and roxy look at me in disbelief. "You found a fake wall in Bonnie Bowl?" Roxy said. "Yes, but i can't get it open."
Monty narrows his eyes. "You're not telling us something." He guesses. "You're right. But until i see for myself, i can't say what i think is back there, if im wrong...I'll have caused unnecessary pain." With that, Makenzie comes stomping over clearly agitated. "She was a whole lot of help." She growled sarcasm dripping from her words. "You ok amelia?" She asked genuine worry in her voice. "I think so." I said. She turned on the computer and ran a diagnostic and confirmed i was fine. Roxy looked at her. "She found a fake wall in bonnie Bowl." Makenzies head turned to me quickly "wait really?" I nod. I can show you. I am let out of the dome, and i lead the way.

Fnaf: the night guard of dualityWhere stories live. Discover now