race to remember

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Roxy tore through the pizza plex her tires soeeding her through the plex before tuening on a dime towards the amelianna's security station attraction. Her wheels squealed loudly as she turned and slowed to a run her wheels resting on the back of her feet as she ran in and accessed the security station. "Data receptions....47%," the screen read. The data was coming through cleanly... but that wasn't good enough. amelianna is roxys world, and someone was trying to do something to her... she had to do... something she she paced around before her eyes stopped on something. A figure 2 rooms over. No one should be here. Especially not in the holding rooms. She walked over, and as soon as she ran in the room, she was net with a faz tazer stunning her momentarily as the person ran. Roxy caught up with the person in an instant and slammed him down. Why did you run?!" She demanded being in no mood as she glanced at the computer that had slid away. She opened it carefully and saw the screen reading "animatronic self annihilation program" on the screen. Roxy was seeing red as she gripped him tighter, graped the laptop, and dragged the guy back to the boss snarling.

Mackenzie was im tears as her hands flew across her phone. Even with her boss and amelianna fighting with everything they had, whatever program was attacking amelianna was doing so, and it was doing it at a terrifying rate. "Explain! Now!" Came roxannes voice, and she sounded beyond pissed. The three look up to roxxanne holding up the  pc. Makenzie runs over and furiously typing at the computer. "What are you doing to amelianna!!" Boss man demanded the guy laughed. "Simple im replacing her. When that program finishes, she will massacre everyone." Makenzie sobs angrily as she keeps seeing access denied on the screen. "Dont try and get me to stop it. You can't." He explained amelianna fell to her knees howling in pain as she ran every counter program she could. Monty walked over, taking his glasses off with a serious look. "We lost bonnie. We aren't losing you without a fight." He began wirelessly syncing his data with amelianna. "Self annihilation program upload 87%" the lap top chirped making theman frown. "Wait....87? It was at 94 a second ago!!!" Chica copied monty. "62%" the computer updated the man tried to rush over to the synced animatronics, but the boss stopped them. "Not while im here." He stated, taking off his shirt. Roxy and freddy joined the others, dropping the upload to 32% and decreasing steadily. The man tried to get to overpower their employer as Makenzie worked to make the growing gaps the the uploads security worse before ultimately...."upload failed aborting upload," the man tried to run before getting hit in the face with his own laptop by mackenzie, who then sat on top of him and began angrily pummling him in the face screaming at him incohearently the boss quickly grabbing her. "That's enough, mak amelianna is safe. It's clear this investigation she's doing is going to only bring more attention to her, so we need to update her security." Mackenzie frowned. "B-but i already did the best i could when i installed her security." She said, and the boss smiled."Then ask amelianna for help. She is the wolf of many hats. " he laughed as if it should have been obvious, and Makenzie blushed, obviously agreeing.

That night, amelianna was charging as Makenzie used the security terminal to send data back to amelianna's memory banks before noticing a cd on the desk titled "Mackie....play it." Only alice called her mackie she played it, and immediately, amelianna/Alice's voice started playing. "Hey, maks, i bet you ran into a security issue you cpuldnt beat, huh? Weeeelll, i think it's time i taught you something i should have taught you a long time ago." Makenzies eyes widened. "The supreme lockout program...." makenzie whispered. "The Supreme lockout program," the recording echoed. "I won't lie i made this while i was being hacked, and we bith know the S.L.P is a program i wrote for absolute perfect cybersecurity. I should have taught you this a long, long. Time ago. I made it what it is, but if it's to continue to be the ultimate cyber defense, then someone needs to keep working on it, yeah?" Makenzie was crying. The S.L.P. was Alice's legacy she had sownt most of her life making it  "so, there is no one who id hand it down to than you mak. From the day i picked you out, i had this exact event in mind. I'm passing it down to you, i can't really work on it anymore, can i? Not effectively anyway, now it's your turn. Coming up next is step by step instructions on how to use and implement the program into me and the glamrocks, followed by the line of code that is the peogram itself. Memorize it and destroy this disc. NEVER write the code or any variations you make if it  anywhere. Can you pronise me that?" Makenzies shoulders shake with sobs,"i promise amy....i swear, i will make sure the S.L.P is unbeatable! Your legacy will last forever! I SWEAR IT WILL!!" She screams loudly as she cries loudly, having paused the recording after a while she plays it and spends the rest of the night memorizing all the information her teacher, her best friend, the only person who ever thought she was worth anything was giving her as it would likly be the last time she'd have the chance to learn from her like this, and she ment what she said the program that was being taught to Makenzie....mak would make sure it was used properly, between the two of them they knew it was much much much more than just a cybersecurity code, and no one could know its true purpose.

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