[] ACT ONE []

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"Merlin... Emrys as you call him, was born to protect Arthur Pendragon.

Arthur, he is the once and future King who is fated to one day unite the land of Albion. You were born to protect the only one who stands to be next in line. You were born to protect Lynella Pendragon, the loyal one."


"You and Gaius saved me out in the woods that day. For me, that is a debt that I cannot ever truly repay."

Summer Fontana - Aurelia (young/teen)

Danielle Rose Russell - Aurelia (adult)

"You know who I am, Aurelia. I swore to never speak of your magic to anyone, I swore on my mother's grave. I will not break my vow now."

Mariya Andreeva - Lynella Pendragon

|| MERLIN ||


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