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Lynella and Aurelia were standing on opposite sides of the Great Hall. Aurelia stood with Merlin and Gwen, while Arthur was up front with Lynella and Uther. Arthur was kneeling to his father as Lynella was backing up slightly to stand on the edge of the dais.

Uther held out a staff and at his side was a sword, as usual for a ceremony such as this. Especially for such an important occasion. "Do you solemnly swear to govern the people of this kingdom and its dominions according to the statutes, customs and laws laid down by your forebears?" Uther asked, looking down at his son proudly as Arthur's eyes blazed with pride and fire.

"I do, Sire." Arthur replied evenly as he was ready, they all knew that he was ready. Why, even if Merlin constantly was complaining about him, he was willing to admit that Arthur had been born to rule. Literally.

Uther was nodding proudly. "Do you promise to exercise both mercy and justice in your deeds and judgments?" He asked and Arthur's eyes briefly closed, before he opened them and looked back up at his father.

"I do, Sire." Arthur replied.

Uther nodded. "And do you swear allegiance to Camelot, now and forever or as long as you shall live?" He asked and at the question, Arthur was grabbing the scepter in his hand as he was steady and he looked at his father, who was the king and not just his father at this moment.

"I, Arthur Pendragon, do pledge life and limb to your service and to the protection of the kingdom and its peoples." Arthur stated and Lynella was grinning at the words, seeing that the rest of the courtiers were just as happy as they were.

Uther nodded. "Now being of age and heir apparent, from henceforth, you shall be Crown Prince of Camelot." Uther announced and he took the crown from Geoffrey of Monmouth and he placed it on Arthur's head, to raucous applause from the crowds all around them. While the court applauded, with Merlin, Aurelia and Lynella being louder than most others, Arthur stands up and faces the crowd with the scepter held in his hand and the crown resting upon his head.

"Well done." Lynella murmured to her brother as she was clasping his hand for a moment before she did a half-bow and Arthur knocked her in the arm.

"Don't be ridiculous. Go on, stand up." Arthur muttered back and Lynella grinned at the words, quite relieved that at least for the moment, nothing had changed between them as twins and as siblings, since he was officially crowned as the Crown Prince by their father.

Meanwhile, Aurelia was grinning at the sight of the twins that seemed to be acting normally together still and then, Gwen's words were catching her interest as Aurelia turned away from the twins. "So how does it feel to be servant to the Crown Prince of Camelot?" Gwen questioned of Merlin, who shrugged.

"Well, washing his royal socks will be even more of a privilege." Merlin said rather sarcastically at the words and Aurelia stifled a laugh when she heard them, remembering that she had used to feel that way when she had first started out at Lynella's servant and had been sick of doing everything from dressing her to mucking out the stables.

Which had made it all the much better, when Lynella Pendragon had finally began to teach her how to fight. Now, Aurelia could keep up with quite a few of the knights that were still in training and the trio of Ser Pellinor, Ser Leon and Ser Owain had all taken her under their wing to train her to be even better.

If Arthur ever died, then Lynella would be the named heir and Aurelia had to be able to defend her. No matter the cost to herself, Aurelia would gladly die to defend the Princess. After all as the great dragon often reminded her, it was her destiny to defend Lynella Pendragon until Aurelia herself perished or until Lynella did.

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