07|A Remedy To Cure All Ills

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Aurelia and Lynella were constantly training now, even more so than usual with Leon and the other knights that could be spared. Ever since she was named Lynella's personal shadow and her bodyguard, Aurelia had been training constantly without stopping.

When she wasn't training with Lynella or the knights, Aurelia was training on her own. Even conjuring up some shades from eons past, of druids who had picked up the swords and defied their ancestors will of no weapons except for their magic.

Which was why one day, Aurelia was training with the shades in the protective center of the forest. She was swinging the dual swords swiftly, cutting down the shades where they stood as all of them were fighting back hard. Then suddenly, a voice rang through her mind and she was nearly dropping the swords, staggering.

"The druids are in trouble. Uther has sent out a hunting party, demanding to know who hurt Morgana by magic, if there was any!"


Aethon swooped down and Aurelia was climbing up a tree quickly, before she was jumping up towards his leg. Aurelia caught onto one of his talons and from there, she was climbing up onto his wing and he was lifting up his wing, causing her to slide into place on his back, in between his neck and his wings.

Aurelia was looking around at the swathes of trees, before she detected the subtle whooshing of magic. "Dive!" She called and Aethon dove down, arrowing straight down toward a clearing that was full of fighting people.

Aethon opened his jaws and a moment later as they continued to dive downwards, it was a blaze of epic proportions that came bursting out of his mouth. The flames were silver like his veins as he was separating the fighting soldiers and knights of Camelot, from the druids who were backing away from the silver flames and they were all looking at Aurelia, who had cast a veil over the eyes of the Camelot soldiers.

To them, she looked like an armored warrior in white and green armor. A single great broadsword that seemed to be far too big for her, it was resting upon her back as she was riding the dragon that was glowing brightly green in the shadows of the silver flames.

"Dragon!" It was Leon who shouted the words and Aurelia was looking over at the druids.

"Get up here! All of you!"

Aurelia ordered as the children and the women were boosted up first. The men had followed swiftly and Aurelia was balancing on the back of Aethon, who was soaring up into the air.

"Don't you hurt them anymore today, Aethon. We have done enough damage tonight."

"Understood, young one."

The dragon banked to the side and Aurelia was sitting down on his back again, before a tap came on her shoulder. Aurelia turned around to see all of the druid children, some of them not much younger than herself and they were all watching her now with awe in their eyes.

"Who are you?" One of the children asked and she was looking at the youngest of them who was maybe seven at most.

"I am the last of the Rhowan line." Aurelia replied simply and she was looking around at the sky. "Hang on!" She warned as she was grabbing for the spines on Aethon's neck and the others were grabbing onto one another, as he was diving down towards the cave in the woods.

Aethon set down on the ground in front of the deep caves and Aurelia slid down off of his wing, followed by the rest of the druids.

"Ignis." She murmured and then, a ball of fire flew up into the air, hovering above the druids and they were slowly following her into the cave. "Don't be afraid of Aethon. He will not leave this place, unless I say so." She explained to the others and she was walking up to the final dead end.

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