05|The Poisoned Chalice

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Aurelia stood at Merlin's shoulder, while Lynella stood next to Arthur and her father and they were all being flanked by knights.

Leon was standing behind Aurelia and he flashed a grin at her, before she was smiling back and she went serious again, at the sight of Lord Bayard of Merica, who was walking forward with his knights and servants following him.

"Camelot welcomes you, Lord Bayard of Merica," Uther stepped forward along with Arthur and Lynella, who were watching the others carefully and they were prepared to go for their weapons if they made a move against them. "The treaty we sign today marks an end to war and a beginning to a new friendship between our people." He declared and Lynella glanced over at her brother as Uther and Bayard grasp arms.

Both parties began to applaud with Lynella and Arthur joining in a little bit later than the rest, not being too trusting that Lord Bayard did not come here with malicious intent. Aurelia looked over at Merlin, who was clapping with a nod and she was looking across at one of the members of the opposing party, who had her eyes locked on Merlin.

Because of the special occasion at the moment, Aurelia had been passed over to the others, in order to be helping the other servants. Which was mostly just her helping Merlin, carrying everything for everybody and it was lucky for her, that she had been training her upper body muscles with the constant fighting.

Together, Aurelia and Merlin were passing Gaius in the Upper Corridor while carrying a heavy bag each, which clanked together loudly with armor and Aurelia had swords and shields on her back as well, just to very much complete the servant's outfit.

But none of them were her weapons unfortunately, so she was stuck lifting all sorts of things, that were much heavier all at once to get things done much faster than before.

"Why do I always get landed with the donkey work?" Merlin complained under his breath as now, Aurelia rolled her eyes quietly at his complaining, resolving to just do her work and to get back out to the yard as fast as she could.

But Gaius still heard the quiet complaint from his unofficial apprentice, who was too fit to grumble about his work. "You're a servant, Merlin. It's what you do." He reminded him with a shake of his head with amusement in his eyes, and Merlin dropped the bags with a sigh and a loud clank.

"Well, my arms will be a foot longer by the time I get this lot inside." Merlin complained as Aurelia rolled her eyes at the complaints again.

"Come on Merlin. The sooner that we get this stuff done, the sooner it is that I can get back out to the yard!" She reminded him as Merlin stared at her for a moment in some sheer disbelief, until he realized something.

For once, Aurelia was finally actually acting like a child her age. Rather than a girl whose life had been irrevocably changed, by the death of her father, and by the driving out of most of her own people.

"It is some character building." Gaius countered Merlin's words and he looked over at them both now. "As the old proverb says, hard work breeds... a harder soul." Gaius had to think of something

"There is no way that is a proverb. You just made that up." Merlin said knowingly as at the words, Gaius looked almost offended.

"No. I didn't." Gaius protested, almost sounding sincere about it for once.

"Come on, Merlin! Please??" Aurelia complained and Merlin sighed, before he was picking up his load of bags again. "Why thank you." She said and he chuckled softly at the words.

"I'm just glad to see that for once now, you are acting your age." Merlin said as Aurelia was gently elbowing him in the side, before they were loading the bags in.

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