02|The Dragon's Call

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"Right!" The swords clashed together. "Left! Right! Head!" The two people in armor with swords in their hands, they had been working throughout the day and even now into the evening, as night would soon be upon them.

Soon the instructions stopped all together and they were just fighting, training as they were attacking and defending fiercely.

Soon the much smaller one was on the ground but not for lack of trying as she was coughing, winded by the fall. Lynella removed her helmet as she held out a hand to Aurelia, who accepted the hand up.

"You are almost as fast as I am now." Lynella noted as Aurelia shrugged. "Have you been practicing outside of our training?" She asked and Aurelia nodded.

"I hope to be a knight one day." Aurelia murmured and Lynella sighed. "But that will never happen as long as your father sticks to the knights code." She muttered and Lynella looked at her, before she was swiftly shaking her head.

"Let me think on the matter, young one, perhaps I might find a way around it." She said as she gently nudged Aurelia's shoulder with hers. "Come, we should get inside. We have trained for most of the day." Lynella did have a point on that and they had both been out in the training yard for ages.

"Are you training your servant again, Lynella?" Aurelia stopped along with the Princess, very nearly running into her back at the sudden stop as they were looking into the face of Prince Arthur.

"If Aurelia wishes to learn how to fight, brother, then I will not stop her." Lynella replied and Arthur was crossing his arms over his chest. "Will you let us pass?" She asked and Arthur sighed.

"Perhaps you should consider getting your servant trained by proper knights." Aurelia's fists clenched at her sides and while Lynella looked outwardly impassive, Aurelia could feel that her anger was boiling now beneath the surface at the mention of proper knights as if Lynella was only a woman and one of noble birth, so naturally, she still was not able to fight properly.

"Perhaps you should consider holding your tongue, lest your sister choose to just chop it off." Aurelia snapped quickly and Lynella's eyes flicked over to Aurelia with surprise in her gaze at the fierce temper, Aurelia, who was staring up at Arthur with an uncanny sort of a protective fury in her eyes.

"You have a sharp tongue, little one. You should be much more careful with how you use it." Arthur remarked and Aurelia stared up at him defiantly, unwilling to back down at all.

"Come now, Aurelia, let's go." Lynella interrupted as she was placing a firm hand on Aurelia's arm and she was forcibly now steering her around Arthur and toward the stairs. "Are you absolutely mad?" Lynella asked as she looked at Aurelia, who lifted her chin up with that continued defiant look in her eyes.

"I have to see him." Aurelia said softly and Lynella recognized the tone in her voice on the word "him," and there was only one true being in Camelot that could help her.

"All right." Lynella murmured and she looked at the young one. "Go on now, little one. There will only be a single guard on tonight, many of the others have come down with some form of sickness." She said to Aurelia, who was nodding swiftly.

Aurelia stopped by her room swiftly to change out of her armor and into a set of well-worn trousers and an old tunic that Lynella had gotten Gwen to fit her and gotten altered for Aurelia, who preferred the types of clothing, that allowed her to still be able to fight and to breathe.

Aurelia disappeared into the darkness of these shadows swiftly, after murmuring a small spell and she was reappearing in the doorway to the caves.

Aurelia took an unlit torch in her hands as she was looking up at it. "Ignis." She said as the torch lit up as she was walking down the steps and she briefly slipped, changing from the steps to the rocky path.

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