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Austin stopped and stared at Charlie. "What are you doing here." Austin said, closing the door. "I could ask you the same thing." Charlie responded, slurring his words a bit. "What the hell?! I'm here for Daisy, are you drunk?" He asks walking towards the couch. Charlie stares at him, and a fist collides with his jaw. He stands and fights back, hitting Austin in the stomach. Austin kicks him over, pins him down, and punches him one, two, three, four, five times in the face and stomach. He feels his lip split and his nose begin to bleed. "Stop.." He mumbles, hoping Austin can hear. "Why the hell should I. You're in my best friend's apartment.."
"Listen, Austin. She's just been helping me with some things, okay? Nothing's really going on between us." Right? He thought.
"Whatever dude... It's just.." Austin let out a long drawn out sigh, and helped Charlie onto the couch. "I'm sorry. I-I want Daisy to be more of a friend to me. Like, a girlfriend, you know? I just don't want to bring it up because we've been friends for a long time and I don't want to mess it up." Austin ended by putting his face in his hands. Charlie stared at the wall, feeling his heart tear a little. "I should go.. Sorry, man." Austin said, mentioning Charlie's face. Charlie saluted him, and watched him shut the door. He winced as he eased himself onto the couch. "Damn.." He muttered. The door swung open and he heard Daisy say, "Hey, Charlie! I just saw Austin in the parking lot. Was he h-oh my gosh." She said, seeing his face. "Wh-what happened?" She asked, rushing in front of him.
"I.. Er.." He didn't want too rat out Austin.
"I drank a little to much and fell."

"Seriously? Why? Oh." He was thinking of her, she thought.

"Yeah. Did you know, you're really, really pretty after working all day."

"You're so drunk." She laughed. He smiled and laid on the couch. "Will you lay with me? I'm tired." He whined like a little kid. "After we get you cleaned up." Daisy walked into the bathroom and opened the medicine cabinet. She got ointment, a wet cloth, and some pain killers. "Okay, you big baby, you're going to have to take some pills. What do you want to drink, that's not alcohol." He groaned and said something that sounded like 'juice.' She rolled her eyes and walked into the kitchen, and poured a glass of apple juice. Walking back to the couch, she helped him sit up and he took the pills while chugging the glass of juice. She dabbed the wet rag under his nose and over his split lip, rinsing the blood. Then she put the ointment on his lip, blushing when his tongue barely touched her finger. "Charlie. I'm- I'm gonna need you to uh. Take off your shirt." He smirked and she blushed harder. He took it off and had bruising all over his torso. He was still shaved from filming season two of Daredevil. She carefully touched each one and looked him in the eyes. "You didn't fall did you.. Austin did this." She said, tears brimming her eyes. He pulled her into a hug. "It's okay. I'm okay. He didn't mean it. I'm okay. I'm okay." He mumbled into her hair. She curled up to him on the couch and laid there.
• • •
Their legs were tangled together and his face was nuzzled into her neck while she stroked his hair. He started to stir, and she could tell he was having another nightmare. "Daisy?" He mumbled, still sleepy. "Shhh. I'm here." She cooed in his ear.
"It's alright. Shh."
"Daisy.. What do you think of me?"
"I think you're a great guy, Charlie. A really great guy. Why do you ask?"
Charlie bit his lip and smiled into her neck. "I-I like you a lot, Daisy." Charlie mumbled. Daisy's heart sped up as her cheeks got hot. "Austin does too, you know." He said quickly. His breath on her neck made her shiver, and his arms tightened around her torso. Great. So now she had to chose. She had known Austin since she moved away from the city. They immediately had a connection. But so did her and Charlie. She groaned and Charlie pulled back a bit to look at her. "What's wrong?" He asked. "I don't know what the hell in going to do." She whispered, looking up to the ceiling. He kissed her jaw and then laid back down, "It'll all work out in the end. I promise." Says the man who just kissed me for the second time.

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