Dating the Past

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Daisy blushed as she reran the sentence through her mind over, and over, and over. She nodded and Charlie hugged her. "I'll see you tonight?" He asked. She nodded again, and smiled.
• • •
After work, Daisy showered and slipped on a black skater dress. It had a cut in the front, and was strapless. She smiled in the mirror and paired them with some cute black and gold pumps. She put on a gold necklace, and walked into the bathroom. She did a smokey eye with red lipstick. After curling her hair and adding some final touches, like perfume and deodorant, she heard a knock at the door. She ran over and unlocked it to see Austin. "Austin I really do-" "Days please." He cut her off. "I'm sorry. I'm so, so, sorry. Please forgive me. I shouldn't have rushed you, but if we could just talk about us and the future we c-"

"Austin no. I don't have time for this." It was her who cut him off this time
"I have a date. I'll text you tomorrow, okay?" She felt a twang of guilt for being so harsh on him. "Maybe we can go out for coffee or something sometime?" She concluded. She smiled and locked her door, walking up the stairs to Charlie's apartment. She noticed Austin had walked away as she knocked on the door. "Just a minute!" Said a muffled voice inside. She giggled when Charlie answered the door with his tie around his neck. "Here," she said, tying his tie. "All better now." She patted his chest, and he blushed. "Thanks. Ready to go?"

"I-yeah." Charlie stuttered.

Daisy's heart dropped as she asked, "what's wrong?"

"I. Nothing! It's just. Wow. You look so beautiful." He stuttered, looking in her eyes. Daisy felt the heat run back into her cheeks, and she took his hand.
• • •
"Charlie where are we going?!" Daisy asked. They had been walking for a little while, and Charlie hadn't mentioned where their date was going to be. He pulled her inside of a small building, and smiled. Her jaw dropped when she looked around. The building looked so bland and worn down, on the outside. On the inside, it was like stepping into a fairy-tale. Lights were strung from one end of the small room, to the other. They were guided over to a small table in the corner, and Charlie pulled the chair out for her.
• • •
After a lot of laughter and talking about random stuff, they got up to leave. They walked to a small park and sat under the stars. "Daisy?" Charlie whispered.


"I had a really fun time with you tonight." He looked at her face. It glowed in the midnight moon.

"I had fun too! I wish it wouldn't end.."


"Yes, Charlie?"

"Tell me about your family. You haven't talked about them much." He said, looking over at her again.

"My family.. My family life is a little rough..." She responded, tears starting to form. He took her hand.
"You can tell me anything, Daisy."

"My dad's in prison. When I was little, he would beat my mum. He wanted a perfect family. A wife that stays home, cooks, and looks after the kids. One son, and one daughter. He was a good father, I guess. Until I was born. I threw his perfect image of balance, and he didn't like that. He would shut me out or ignore me, and lock me into my room. As if that was a way he could get rid of me. My mom.. She was beautiful. She snuck me some dinner one night and my dad found out. I heard... I heard screaming. Fists and objects agains flesh... I-I was so scared when I heard things go silent. I heard crying, and I prayed my mum was still breathing. I remember crawling under my covers, and hearing sirens... The police busted down the door, and I could tell by their faces that- it was bad." Daisy said in between sobs, "I walked downstairs and there- was blood everywhere. Then I saw her. She didn't even look like my mum anymore. The police dragged me out of the house with my siblings, and we were put into and orphanage because my parents had never assigned us god parents. They were adopted first. I was in that orphanage until I was 18. And then they kicked me out. I was on the streets until Austin took me in. He patched me up, and pushed me in the right direction. He was like an older brother to me. Now he wants to move forward, but I'm scared. I don't want that... I'm scared he will forget about me.." She concludes. Tears have begun to flow down her face, as sobs rack through her body. Charlie takes her into his arms and holds her in the position they had both become quite familiar to. He called a taxi and walked her to her apartment. "Goodnight." She mumbled. She turned to go inside, but Charlie turned her around quickly and said, "I love you." Her eyes went wide, and before she could respond, his lips were already crushed against hers. She melted into it, and a little bit of her tragic past, began to chip away.

Hey loves! I really hoped you liked this chapter! Sorry I didn't update sooner, I've been feelin kinda slow with this story! I don't want it to be really basic. COMMENT WHAT YOI THINK. It's not proof read right now, so please excuse the errors. Anywho, it's one o'clock in the morning and I'm really tired so I'm sleeping after this publishes haha. Sorry for the long authors note!

It's Okay NowOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora