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At shinwa mansion

Yn's Father Andrew-" What the hell you all were doing?"His voice echoed in the house as he shouted

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Yn's Father Andrew-" What the hell you all were doing?"
His voice echoed in the house as he shouted.
All the guards head were down .
Andrew was not in the city last night and when he came back today he gets to know that her daughter was missing.
Someone broke into his mansion and kidnapped her and he knows who it could be.

Under the high security it's impossible for any insect to enter in his empire but the devil himself.

Guard-" Sir, we were all alert and no one could be seen in the cctv footage also."

Nothing happened last night except the fire in the factory of the countryside reason why Andrew has to live urgently in the evening.

It was an accident until he came back.
He figured it out whose plan it could be.

Andrew was all furious he can't swallow that someone sneaked in . At that moment he was more worried about his pride than his daughter.
This news will be soon spread among all the families and he would become just a topic to mock about.

Andrew-" you b@stards are of no use why did i pay you for huh ??....so that you can eat & sleep like pigs "

Yn's grandmother was listening to all this heated conversation from behind the pillar.

Unlike her son her face was calm and no one knows the reason behind the slightest smile touching her lips. she left from there.

Andrew-" Arrange my meeting with Jungkook"
"Tell bim i need to talk to him"

Scene shifted to a office like place and the darkness of the room can tell us whom it belongs to .

Jungkook-" I took your daughter and you're here to talk. I didn't expect this after seeing your audacity to disregard my words "

Andrew was sitting there silently gulping every inch of the disrespect from him. He can't do anything attacking him would be the devastation of his own empire. And one wrong word would have caused him dead right there .

Andrew-"The other families won't respect me after what you did. I told you I'll think about your words."

Jungkook-"Now you know your place"
"My every word is an order."

He sat there like he owns the world and he really did. He was the strongest and most dangerous mafia of the world.No one dares to go against him unless they wish to see the hell.

Andrew-"So you'll marry her" he stated
A dark chuckle left the devil's mouth.

Jungkook-" I've changed my mind "
An sparkle of amusement touched Andrew's eyes but soon changed into horrible surprise when he said

Jungkook-"I'm gonna keep her as my wh@re who'll serve me for my whole life "
"And as you said earlier marriage didn't suit my personality right ?" Another chuckle

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