Chapter 4

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Jessie pov

I was in my room looking at the clock on my nightstand with a exciting expression on my face, I was waiting for it to be twelve o'clock, right now it was eleven thirty.

*Knock knock*

"Come in"

My mom came in and had a surprise expression on her face.

"Jessie, you're still up?"

"Yeah, I was just waiting for you to get home" I lied.

"But it's really late sweetie, you didn't have to wait for me" mom frowned.

"I know, but I just want to make sure you came home, you know me I worry to much" I lied even more.

"Aww, how sweet of you dear" mom smiled big.

I just smiled back.

"Well now that I'm home, I'm gonna head to bed and you should as well, goodnight dear"

"Okay, goodnight mom"

After she gave me a kiss on the forehead, she closed the door behind her and when I saw that the lights were off, I looked at the clock again and saw that it was now eleven fifty.

"Ooooooooooo almost time for James to pick me up, better get myself cleaned up" I got up and brushed my hair a little.

*Knock knock*

I jumped and looked at the balcony door and saw James waving, a big smile grew on my face and I hurried to the door and opened it.

"Hey James"

"Hey Jessie, you ready to go?"

"Yeah, my mom just went to bed, let's go"


James helped me climb down from the balcony, and after we got to the ground, he started his car and we drove off to who knows where.


Narrator pov

Jessie and James drove around town and while driving around, they played some romantic songs and James would once in a while leaves kisses on Jessie's hand since they were holding hands the whole time he was driving.

After a while, they stopped and found themselves outside a beautiful lake, the moon's light was shining so bright in the water that it made the water look so beautiful, right now they were sitting next to each other with James arm wrapped around Jessie's waist while she had her head resting on his shoulder.


Jessie pov

"What a beautiful night"

"Yeah, but you know what's more beautiful then the night?"


"You" James softly smiled.

I giggled and felt my cheeks heat up after James said that.

"Aww James, your making me blush"

"It's the truth baby" James began kissing my cheek, then jaw, then neck"

"James" I moaned.

"Oh Jessie, please give me some loving, if you know what I mean"

I blushed even more and smirked.

"Alright, but you better give me some as a repayment"

"Oh you know I will"

James gently pushed me on the ground and got on top of me and we began to make love. We didn't have to worry about being caught because it was really late and no one barely comes here so we were safe.


Narrator pov

After a while of making love, the couple were laying on the ground and Jessie was resting her head on top of James bare chest while he ran his hand through her bare arm.


Jessie pov

"Man, what a night"

"Yes, but I know on Saturday, we'll make this more better then before"

"I'm looking forward to it" I giggled.

"So am I"

"Hey James, I wish we can stay like this forever" I sighed while frowning.

"I know one day we'll be able to do this without worrying about our parents"

"I hope so, I'm ready to move out but we know how my mom is, I don't know about yours"

"My mom wants me to, but I'm trying to save money for us to get our own place"

"I'm sorry James, I wish I could work but my mom forbidden's it, she can be stubborn sometimes and annoying" I pouted.

"Don't worry about it Jessie, I will keep working real hard if I have to, so rest in peace" James kissed my forehead.


Then James looked at his phone and I saw that it was three o'clock in the morning.

"Oh man, we've been out here for a few hours, we should head back since you got work tomorrow" I quickly sat up, but when I tried to get up, I felt James pull me on his lap.

"I don't want to leave yet" James pouted.

"I don't either babe, but you got work and I need to be home before my mom realizes that I'm gone, knowing her she would call all the officer Jenny's in the world just to search for me" I joked.

"Yeah true, alright let's get home"

After we put our clothes back on, we got into James car and he drove me home.

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