Chapter 5

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Narrator pov

The next day, Jessie was having breakfast with her mom.


Jessie pov

"So Jessie, this Saturday I'm having a few friends from work come over for dinner, are you okay with that?"

My eyes widen when she said that the dinner was on Saturday, I hope it's not real late since me and James have our tenth year anniversary date on Saturday.

"Oh...what time?" I ask in curiosity but tried to not look to desperate since I didn't want mom to know about my relationship with James since we managed to hide it for so long.

"We decided at eight o'clock"

"Aw man" I thought to myself.

"Is that okay dear?"

"Oh uh...yeah that's fine" I smiled nervously.

"Great, and I forgot to mention that my friend Vanessa has a son that's your age and I want to introduce you to him"


"Yeah, I hope you're excited"

"Oh yes" I nodded with a big fake smile.

"I'm happy to hear that dear, well I'm heading to work, I'll see you later dear love you"

Mom kissed my forehead and I waved to her while she headed out the door. After I made sure that she was gone and not come back because of forgetting something, I ran to my room and got my cellphone and dialed James number.


James pov

I was getting ready for work when I heard my phone ringing, I hurried to it and saw that it was  my beautiful girlfriend calling, luckily my mom was out so it was safe to answer.


Narrator pov

{Jessie and James phone conversation}

"Hey beautiful"

"Hi James, are you busy?"

"I'm just getting ready for work, why is everything okay?" James asks worryingly.

"I just want to tell you that we got to cancel our date Saturday"

"What, why?"

"My mom just informed me that Saturday, she's invited a few friends of hers from work to come for dinner and she wants me there, dinner is at eight o'clock"

"Oh, well we can have our date after the dinner is over"

"I was thinking of that, but I don't know how long there gonna be here" Jessie frowned.

"We'll think of something love, don't worry" James assured with a soft smile.

"Okay, well I know you need to go because of work so I'll see you at lunch"

"Alright babe, I love you"

"Love you too"

{End of Jessie and James phone conversation}


Jessie pov

After hanging up, I got a text from Samantha and she asked if I wanted to come over and hangout, so I replied yes and headed to her house.

After getting to her house, Samantha was making tea when I was telling her about what happened today.

"Wow, I hate that she made it on the day you and James we're supposed to celebrate your anniversary" Samantha frowned.

"I know, I told James and he said we'll work something out, hopefully we can"

"Can't you just tell your mom that you already have plans Saturday?"

"I would, but I don't want her to get suspicious, you know her, she's pretty nosy" I frowned while taking a bite at my bread.

"You're right about that, but knowing James he'll find a way to be with you" Samantha chuckled.

"True" I chuckled as well.

"Here's the tea, I hope you like it" Samantha put a cup of tea in front of me.

"Thanks girlfriend" I took a sip of it.

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