A Blanc Love

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Everyone took a breath of relief.  At least Marinette and Adrien could plan if that ever happened.

"Now, on to the next universe!" said R.T..



Thanks to a Lucky Charm, Marinette Dupain-Cheng survives a tragedy and wakes up in a world that is now ruined from her partner's accidental Mega Cataclysm.  She must do what she always does: Fix everything.


Cat Blanc sighed to himself as he held Marinette Dupain-Cheng in his arms. She wasn't dead. She wasn't even looking like a pillar of ash. She was still all flesh and bones. The akuma pressed his ears against Marinette's chest. He could hear her heartbeat. She was alive alright, just unconscious.

Her hair was down like it was before, making her look so beautiful. One Marinette's shoe was missing from her right foot, making her look slightly cuter. Her purse drifted near them in the rising water. Her pink pants had a few scratches on them, even a few tears showed themselves on there and .

The akuma sat on an edge of a building nearly comepletely sunk by water, his feet in it.

Cat Blanc then turned to a man who was holding the camera. He looked horrified as he was shielding himself from something. He looked like a statue.

"Say, 'cheese!'" he let out.

After the picture was "taken," Cat Blanc then turned to his unconscious girlfriend, kissing her forehead.

"You'll wake up soon, I just know it." he said.


It was the next day. And Marinette was still not waking up as she laid on one side of a roof. Cat Blanc sat on the other side. Soon, he turned, and she was suddenly gone. He then heard a splash. He then realized that she must've fallen.

She must've woken up.

"Princess!" he screamed.

He ran over, seeing that Marinette had already fallen into the water. Cat Blanc was about to jump, but something stopped him. He felt scared. He's been acting like an actual cat for so long that he's beginning to have the instinct of one.

And just like that, the poor akuma gave up. He then went back up to his roof. He couldn't believe himself, he failed, so miserably, and easily.


Marinette groaned in pain. She pressed her hand firmly against her forehead. She then realized something: She was cold. She felt as if she...underwater. She started to squirm around, then forced herself to stop. No! No, don't panic Marinette! She thought, You'll only lose more air!

She then looked around. She was still in Paris. She remembered what happened. Cat Noir, Adrien Agreste, the love of her life, was akumatized by his...father. She turned to her left, seeing Hawk Moth, looking like he was turned into a statue of ash. Marinette's eyes widened in horror. Oh my gosh... she thought.

Marinette then began to swim fast. She coughed as she got on top of a roof. She took a look around. Nothing was right. Everyone was turned into statues.

"What happened...?" she said to herself, tears coming down her soaked face.

She then heard little Tikki come out of her purse. She looked tied, very tired. Marinette cupped the tiny scarlet Kwami in her hands. She hugged her close to her chest. Thankfully, she had some food. She was amazed it wasn't soggy.

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