_*Forty-nine (2013.03)

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"Bella, guess what?" Delly exclaimed in a hushed tone, her voice bubbling with seven-year-old excitement. "I found out about this super cool magazine called 'How It Works Magazine.' It's all about science for kids!"

Bella's eyes widened with intrigue as she leaned in closer to Delly. "Really, Delly? Science? Tell me everything!"

Delly beamed, her blue eyes twinkling. "Yeah! It's got stuff about space, dinosaurs, and even experiments we can do at home. It's like a treasure chest of super cool stuff!"

Bella clapped her hands quietly, her excitement bubbling over. "Wow, that sounds super-duper awesome! Where did you hear about it?"

Delly glanced around to make sure no one else could hear their secret conversation. "Well, Mrs. Anderson, our school librarian, mentioned it to me when I was checking out a book. She said they have it right here in the library, and we can read it!"

Bella nodded eagerly, her curiosity piqued. "Let's go look for it right now, Delly! I can't wait to see all the cool things in that magazine."

With their hearts set on their new adventure, Delly and Bella carefully closed the book they had been reading and tiptoed over to the magazine section. The idea of exploring the world of science through 'How It Works Magazine' had ignited a spark of curiosity in both of them that they couldn't wait to satisfy. They whispered excitedly as they searched for the magazine, surrounded by the scent of old books and the magic of discovery that only a library could offer.


Delly skipped down the familiar path to her home, clutching the borrowed copy of 'How It Works Magazine' in her small hands. She couldn't wait to share all the exciting things she had read about space, planets, and stars with her parents, William and Kate. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm, orange glow over the neighborhood.

As Delly entered her cozy living room, she found her mother, Kate, sitting on the sofa with a pale face, one hand resting on her pregnant belly. Her father, William, was nearby, fussing over her and trying to make her comfortable.

"Mom, Dad, guess what!" Delly exclaimed with a big smile, her voice filled with the enthusiasm only a seven-year-old could muster.

William looked up from tending to Kate with a tired but loving smile. "What's got you so excited, Delly?"

Delly's blue eyes sparkled as she began sharing her newfound knowledge about space and the fascinating facts she had read in the magazine. She described the planets, the stars, and the wonders of the universe, her words flowing like a babbling brook of excitement.

However, her parents' attention remained firmly on Kate, who was struggling with a bout of morning sickness. Kate's face was a mix of discomfort and exhaustion, and she clutched her stomach tightly.

"Mom, did you know there's a planet called Jupiter, and it's super big, even bigger than all the other planets combined?" Delly gushed, her voice filled with wonder.

William gave Delly an apologetic look. "That's interesting, sweetie, but Mom isn't feeling well right now. We need to take care of her."

Delly's excitement deflated like a balloon losing air. She stood there for a moment, feeling a bit neglected and unsure of what to do.

Kate, noticing Delly's disappointment, mustered a weak smile and patted the spot next to her on the sofa. "Delly, come sit with us for a while. We'll listen to your space stories when Mommy's feeling better, okay?"

Delly nodded, trying to hide her disappointment and understanding that her mom needed rest. She climbed onto the sofa, feeling a mix of excitement and concern for her pregnant mother.

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