5. echoing through

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For a scene with an enormous bomb, it was very crowded

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For a scene with an enormous bomb, it was very crowded. As soon as she stepped out of the vehicle, she was approached by a cop who wouldn't let her pass. But as soon as he noticed her badge, he caved and let her through.

"Where is she?" Charlotte asked Reid.

He walked up to her, seemingly concerned. "Are you sure you want to go?"

She looked at him with fire in her eyes. "Seriously? You think that I don't want to see her? My sister might be dead very soon and you think I don't want to see her? Now tell me, where is she?"

He lead her to the 13th floor where she stumbled across Rossi speaking with the head of the bomb squad and Castle. The only force member was the one to notice her, and flew into her arms.

"You know when I invited you over, I didn't mean like this", he mumbled.

"I know." She pulled away and looked at the other two men. "Can I see her?"

The head of the bomb squad looked her up and down, with confusion in his eyes. "I thought-" he pointed at the door, where her sister was standing behind. "You were standing on the bomb..."

She understood why he might have thought that. Even though they weren't sisters, they looked as if they could have been. They definitely shared the same DNA, because they had the same appearance, with a few minor differences, and one big one. The big one being their height difference. Kate was 5'9, a whole 7 inches taller than she was.

Rossi stepped forward and pulled her closer to where they were standing. "Captain Mahoney this is Special Agent Beckett."

"Another one in law enforcement, you Beckett's grow them like weeds." The Captain shook his head. "Go ahead."

She took a deep breath before walking into the apartment.

There she stood, her feet circled with spray paint. She was tired, Charlotte could see it. But the life came back into her eyes, when Kate noticed her little sister entering.

"Charlie", she smiled with a smile that she only showed her boyfriend and her sister.

"You did it again, Katie. You did it again."

On her left stood a couple of bar stools. Charlotte pulled one back and sat down on it. "How are you keeping up?"

"Aside from the fact that I'm literally standing on a bomb? Not that good, I'm getting tired, Charlie."

Charlotte stood up again. "No you're not. You're not tired. Remember when we were little kids and mom and dad said we had to go to bed when one of us fell asleep, and we kept telling each other-"

"That we weren't at all", she shook her head smiling. "I miss those times."

"Me too." She watched Kate's smile faulter. "No, don't do that. Don't live your life with regrets. Katie, be thankful for all the times we've had, and start looking forward to all the times we're gonna have. Maybe, soon, I'll be able to watch you walk down that aisle with dad. And I can fly here on my weekends off, and I can babysit my nieces and nephews."

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