Chapter 9

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Standing alone in the bustling concourse, Vanessa wiped a bead of sweat from the nape of her neck. Her eyes darted through the crowd, searching for any sign of Eric. His absence was both conspicuous and unsettling. As she looked toward the sleek train idling on the platform, her thoughts drifted to Government City. She envisioned a utopia, a haven free from the chaos of crime, rebels, and enemy spies—a world where even the omnipresent Agency had no reach. The very idea felt like a sanctuary, a dream too good to be true.

A few carriages down, she caught sight of Winters, who was waving with an almost childlike enthusiasm. Suppressing a sigh, she began to walk toward him. Each step seemed to amplify the fatigue that had settled deep into her muscles. This was a new and unwelcome sensation for her. Genetically enhanced for strength and endurance, Vanessa had always been a paragon of physical resilience. Long training sessions, grueling missions—none of it had ever truly worn her out. But now, the virus was taking its toll, manifesting in bouts of cyanosis that reduced the oxygen supply to her muscles.

Winters jumped as she approached, his eyes snapping away from Laura, who sat inside the train. Vanessa's lips twitched into a half-smile. "Putting her on another train feels almost sadistic, doesn't it?" she said, her eyes meeting Laura's through the glass.

The loudspeaker crackled to life, announcing the train's imminent departure. The platform, once teeming with life, was now almost deserted. Laura's carriage was hauntingly empty. Laura blew a kiss to Winters, who clumsily caught it and pretended to pocket it. Vanessa rolled her eyes.

"What's the story here?" Winters' voice was tinged with confusion.

"Didn't Laura tell you?"

"Laura appeared out of nowhere and ran to her parents. She said something about the Agency sponsoring her for Government City. She seemed...torn."

Vanessa shrugged. "And?"

Winters looked puzzled. "Why send her to Bradfield Park if she was going to Government City?"

"I was just following orders," Vanessa replied, stifling a yawn.

Winters' eyes narrowed. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Why? Are you upset I've separated you lovebirds?" Vanessa teased.

As the train doors slid closed, Winters stared at Laura, who was wiping away tears. "Something's off," he murmured.

Vanessa playfully smacked him on the back of the head. "Focus on your military contract, Private. Laura's underage, and you've got years left to serve. Survive that, then make plans."

The train began to move. Vanessa chuckled at Winters' bewildered expression. "Why is Laura being sent to Government City? Back in Windfield, you hid behind 'orders.' Whose orders? Or is this another one of your schemes?"

Vanessa's amusement faded, replaced by a weariness that seemed to age her. She leaned in, her voice a conspiratorial whisper. "Must we do this here, in the open?" She glanced around, acutely aware of the prying eyes and ears that surrounded them. "It's not a game, Winters. And it wasn't about playing matchmaker, either. I sent her away to protect her."

His voice rose, the anger bubbling just beneath the surface. "You agents think you can manipulate everyone, just like those politicians in their ivory towers." He paused, taking a deep, steadying breath. "After everything, a simple 'thank you' wouldn't be out of place, you know."

Her eyebrows shot up. "Thank you? For what?"

"For saving your life. The agent you're with is painting me as a deserter. I put my life on the line for you and those students. Is this the gratitude I get from the Agency?"

The Agency - Operation Delta (Part II)Where stories live. Discover now