Chapter 11

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The distant rumble of thunder echoed through the air, mirroring Laura's restless emotions. She had recently moved to her new apartment in Government City, a technological marvel that seemed impervious to the elements-except for today's storm.

She'd been captivated by the city's lush greenery and art installations, but even amid such beauty, she felt an overwhelming sense of loneliness. Her apartment, part of a complex for single women, was designed as a safe space. Advertisements in the corridors and elevators reminded residents that this was a temporary arrangement; Government City was all about family, about growing the population and workforce.

The apartment was a small, open-plan studio, furnished with all the modern amenities one could wish for. State-of-the-art technology was integrated into every aspect of the living space, and each day brought Laura new lessons in how to interact with her high-tech home.

As she closed the door behind her, she let her handbag slide off her shoulder and hit the floor. She was about to kick off her shoes when a knock interrupted her thoughts. Opening the door, she found Melanie, her work mentor, standing there.

Melanie, in her early thirties, had a healthy tan and blonde highlights that framed her round face. Her wide, green eyes, accentuated with eyeliner, met Laura's gaze.

"Hi," Laura greeted, caught off guard.

"Sorry, is this a bad time?" Melanie asked, her tone apologetic.

"No, I just wasn't expecting anyone," Laura said, suddenly self-conscious.

"Do you mind if I come in?" Melanie asked.

Laura glanced around her still-unfamiliar apartment. "Of course," Laura replied, stepping aside. They settled into the lounge area.

Melanie offered a reassuring smile. "It takes time to settle in, but you'll feel right at home in no time." She clasped her hands in her lap, her demeanour turning serious. "I have some news about your father."

"My father?" Laura's heart skipped a beat. The first thought that flashed through her mind was a heart attack.

"Firstly, I want to assure you he's okay. He's in stable condition and on the road to recovery," Melanie said, her voice steady. "He's recovering from a gunshot wound. For your own safety, we felt it best you stay here. We can organise a video call for you."

Laura gasped, her eyes widening. "A gunshot wound? Why am I only hearing about this now?" Laura shot up from her seat.

Melanie gestured for her to sit. "We thought it best not to tell you immediately. You're still recovering from the trauma of the enemy attack, and you're also adjusting to a new city. We had confirmation that he was stable."

"Who is this 'we' you keep referring to?"

"There's a committee that makes decisions about each individual here. Your committee acted in your best interest."

Laura muttered under her breath, "This must be how Vanessa feels."

"Sorry? I didn't catch that," Melanie said.

Laura looked up, her eyes meeting Melanie's. "I didn't realise that choosing to come here would mean surrendering control of my life to some other authority."

"It's all in your best interest, Laura. You've been through a lot."

Feeling a tear well up, Laura blinked it back. "Do you mind giving me some space? This is a lot to take in."

"Of course," Melanie nodded. "When you're ready, we can organise that call with your father. Maybe tomorrow, after the gathering."

"What gathering?"

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